Saturday, December 8, 2007


In a recent E mail to Horesthief Canyon Ranch Division, and other near by residents, regarding the proposed Power Lines and Pump Stroage project, Director Phil Williams Division 4 contends that as he promised he did everything he could to keep the lines out of Horsethief Canyon Ranch Division and writes " I did." Williams goes on to state in his writing that it has been agreed by the project partners to underground the power lines, if they come within one mile of any home within Horsethief Canyon Ranch SUBDIVISION.
The question is, is this, lie our truth? EM1 finds it strange that Mr. Williams stands alone without Board input or released information to the public, in making these promises that the project partners has agreed to put the lines underground any place in the project.. The plot thickens. Documents show that EVMWD lately has attempted to go seperate ways/divided concerning the power lines and pump storage project. First EVMWD separately from Nevada Hydro, the partners, sent a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) to the CPUC (Public Utilities Commission to interact with them in the LEAPS and the Environmental portion. They were rejected by the CPUC. After EVMWD sent the MOU Nevada Hydro in a separate application without EVMWD's involvement to the CPUC seeking to get certified on the power lines only. That application is now pending. Also the FERC application between EVMWD and Nevada Hydro is also pending. It is beyond EM1 how Director Williams outside of a firm commitment documented in cement continue to contend that Nevada Hydro will do what he promised they would. This project has so many twist and turns it is next to impossible for anyone to even believe that the so called LEAPS will ever come to pass. EM1 cannot help but believe in light of all the twist and turns of the proposed project plus the over 4 million dollars, of public funds that have been spent for naught, having started about 15 years ago, that, this project has always been about money. As in laundering. By the actions of all involved keeping the public mostly in the dark, holding secret meetings with Nevada Hydro, without public input or knowledge they are behaving like drug users and criminals. For a public agency to behave the way they do is unacceptable and is very questionable. EM1, have had it and is calling for drug screening and a crimnal investigation. Ask Director Williams to bring forth his contentions, in confirmation and cement.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


The, Elsinore Municipal Water District maybe in vioalation of the Brown Act in the way it conduct the Ad Hoc Standing Committee meetings concerning the LEAPS Proposal. Over the many years EVMWD Board Members have been regularly scheduling Ad Hoc Committee meetings, continuing in subject matter, without public notice or opening the meetings to the public for public attendance, observation or input. For a short period of time the Board discontinued the Ad Hoc meetings, previous with, Directors Phil Williams and Kristine Anderson. It is not understood by EM1 why the discontinuance for the short period but EM1 believes the restart of the Ad Hoc with Board Members, Ben Wicke and Phil Williams, without public notice would be in violation of the Ralph M. Brown Act under Standing Committees(a continuning subject matter, fixed by the Board, comprised of less than a quorum of the governing body are covered by the Brown Act. The Ad Hoc Committee was created by the Board under the creating of various committee meetings hosted by Board Members. Citizens should look into whether or not the classes on the Brown Act by Grover Trask of Best,Best & Krieger, BBK have any influence on the restart of the Ad Hoc, LEAPS meetings without public notice.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


In a letter dated October 17, sent to Best, Best & Krieger's(BBK) John Brown Attorney representing EVMWD has rejected the MOU attempt of EVMWD becoming co applicant with the California Public Utilities Commission CPUC in working the CEQA requirements. In a nutshell the CPUC noted in its letter to John Brown that EVMWD have no standing powers nor eminent domain in a project like the LEAPS, does not believe EVMWD should be involved in Nevada Hydro's (NH) lines protection and affirmed that the power lines is Nevada Hydro's project and that EVMWD has nothing to bring to the party. The letter further revealed that Nevada Hydro has not signed a MEMORANDOM of UNDERSTANDING( MOU) so there is not an agreement to send to them. The letter also states the project will be built and financed by private entities NHC and Morgan Stanley.
The CPUC pointed out that its agency has the greatest responsibility for reviewing the project and issuing a certificate of public convinence and necessity(CPCN). The CPUC has sitting jurisdiction over transmission line (the FERC has permitting authority over the pumped storage facility.
The CPUC states in the letter to John Brown that the CPUC has general governmental powers and broad regulatory authority. The District does not have the eminent domain authority to site and build (or to imbue a third party with such powers in a transmission line like the one proposed. see Water Code Section 71663.5 delineating such limitations.
EVMWD's Actions Reconfirm RICO ACT
EM1, looking back at the more than 10 years EVMWD has been involved in a proposed project called LEAPS in a supposed co applicant development agreement with Nevada Hydro of Vista CA. In view of the over 10 years of spending public funds to Nevada Hydro the question comes to mind did EVMWD give Nevada Hydro more than $3million dollars all those years just for Nevada Hydro to think about the LEAPS project? that is what EM1 thinks the spending amounts to. Its crazy!!! EM1 rather think a scenario like this happened. party (a) got together with party (b) An idea was born to create an imaginary power line, pump storage facility project. party (b) saw fit to use party(a) as the instrument to allocate public funds to in the name of LEAPS with both parties a&b undersanding each other motives create ways to issue invoices for billings in the name of LEAPS payable for created imaginary various reasons for cause and to various conspiring agents for cause but in reality there were never any cause nor anything real, tangible or intangible, no groundbreaking, no tranmission lines, no pump storage facility, no issuing of any permits or certificates by any governing agency, yet more than $3millions of public funds spent in the name of LEAPS for no public benefit whatsoever!!! documents and track records suggest that party (a) seem to have been used to kick back funds in a kick back manner to party(b) in an open ended pattern reconfirming a RICO ACT Pattern. If anyone believe that EVMWD gave all those millions to Nevada Hydro just to think about the LEAPS Proposal for more than 10 years think again!!! remember this has been going on for more than 10 years . with no gain in sight.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Reports indicate that Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District EVMWD are continuning to use Public Funds in an extorted, artificial manner inappropriately. The LEAPS Proposal as EVMWD laud it of as an Advance Pump Storage Project is no more than an Enron Fudge in order to utilize public funds in an attempt to appear legal on the stealing of public funds. The latest a MOU suggesting that EVMWD propose to run the would be LEAPS Project. Jumping from one plot to another plot.
EM1 suspect that racketeering and money laundering is eminent and apparent in the agency. EM1 urge the public and ratepayers to keep a very tight and close watch on how EVMWD the agency spends, allocates, and utilize the public monies. This is your, the public's money. You recently received a rate hike and it is right for you to know exactly what is going on. Get an attorney outside of Riverside and Orange county if need be. Make request to review all documents pertaining to the LEAPS Project and all of EVMWD's finances. Due to the high cost to obtain documents, an in house review is recommended with a camera, by manner of thePublic Records Act, The Freedom of Information Act, The amended State of California Constitution Prop 59. Make a point to find out if the spending of public funds is indeed budgeted directly, in the agency and always properly approved by the Board of Directors. EM1 do not belive that EVMWD the agency operate its business in the best interest of the general public and that, public agencies should not be allowed to hire big law firms but individual attorneys on an as needed bases only. If in fact the public business is run properly and in the best interest of the public then, there should be no need to hire big law firms to gulp up the public monies. Circumventing the law to do so. Legislation should repeal the use of big attorney firms for public agencies. Watch out for former Riverside County DA Grover Trash and present DA Pacheco he was selected by Grover Trask before he left the DA's position.
Citizens are beginning to question former DA Grover Trask motives in that Grover Trask was the DA for about 30 years. He failed to prosecute a former Cty of Lake Elsinore staff member who's credible incriminating evidence found by the credible and sharp at figues, city Treasurer Peter Weber who filed a complaint on his findings in 2006 at the Riverside DA's office. Mr. Weber found that the former staff member among other things used the city's credit card for personal gain, her friends at a gambling casino, possible family members and other. Yet Mr. Trask failed to present good solid evidence to a judge, for a jurors decision. EM1 believes Mr. Trask took the law into his own hands on that case. The other is that Mr. Trask, immediately, after leaving his prosecuting positin as DA went to work for Best, Best & Krieger BB&K as a conflict of interest and ethics specialist, and in part represents EVMWD the water District. He also failed to look into complaints made by former EVMWD Director, Chris Hyland submiing on her opinion, various violations of the law in the district. She, also submitted complaints on days of service pay to directors where as directors was paying themselves illegally aganist their own policy and even with an, anonymous letter from " employees who is tired of self serving directors." He did nothing. It was also reported that the districts PUBLIC'S RELATIONS person had a straight line from the DA's office to Directors Phil Williams and Kristine Anderson keeping them posted as to what Ms. Hyland had submited to the DA's office, according to the employees letter.
In view of Mr.Trask failures, citizens have a hard time trusting the former DA's motive in working at BB&K for EVMWD the district. Mr. Trask, immediately set up classes pertaining to the Ralph M. Brown Act., shortly after a Brown Act violation at a EVMWD regular study session June 20th, where as Nevada Hydro and Morgan Stanley arrived at the study session after the session was already in progress, unannounced at 9:55am. They came in to give an update on the LEAPS Project and their current affiliation with one another. Without notice to the public nor on the agenda, a direct violation of the brown act. Director and President of the Board Ben Wicke allowed them to give the update without any objection from any of the other Board Members. A requst to cure the Brown Act violation fell on death ears without any response to the request . Many are wondering why the former DA set up Brown Act classes since public officials are already required to comply with all laws and attend classes and certified as having attended the classes. Mr. Trask, also have some former elected officials wondering why they were included in the notification to attend the classes in view of the fact they are no longer in office. It, has been learned that officials still in office at the city of Lake Elsinore and EVMWD nor staff members, did not receive notices to attend. EM1's, opinion is that the former DA and present DA may have a straight line to each other for EVMWD's benefit. He has involved and entwined him self with an agency who CONTINUES to be highly corrupt, unethical, disrespectful, cunning and conniving towards its ratepayers. EM1, also, believes that former DA Trask and present DA Pacheco is far to close to all the area agencies. EVMWD continues its ill practices against the public as if it have some fix it persons out there. Could the former DA be a fix it person for EVMWD, making the corrupt, incorruptible, appearing as legal? What has law enforcement come to have they any morals left? Why didn't the former DA go work for a prosecuting office instead of defense at BB&K/ EVMWD outside of his field. Citizens keep a close eye on this one.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Many have noticed that journalist who report on public agencies is not doing much to report to the public helpful unbias local information that would keep the public well informed on the agencies that serve them.
The Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District EVMWD and Nevada Hydro has been involved in a powerline proposal since 1997 called LEAPS. No license of any kind has been issued nor have any ground breaking ceremony done after 10 years, to the tune of over 3 million dollars of public funds spent. This proposal shows no progress in moving forward. The SEQUA Environmental Impact Report is being stalled, in the making more than a year. This is very unusaul for a project proposal. EM1 would think that the newspapers journalist would be racing to use the The Public Records Act and doing an inhouse review on all of the documents pertaining the 10 year old LEAPS Proposal including the finances. That should be big news,
The Press Enterprise is known for its bias onesided news reporting. On the other hand The Californian News in the past was viewed as the fair practicing unbias news reporting until recently that has not held true in EM1 's opinion. Both papers report on Lake Elsinore news. Take EVMWD,it is easily noticed that EVMWD is hidding something concerning the LEAPS Proposal, yet the journalist tend to take at face value EVMWD's Press Releases without going to the public on what their opinion would be on the LEAPS. EM1 urge the newspapers to take clear notice on the time line of the LEAPS and compare to the 3 millions dollars already spent to no avail. It just make no dollars an cents on what and how the public funds are being spent on a proposal. EM1 feels that the newspapers should take better interest in getting important information to the public especially on the spending of public funds.
Director Phil WILLIAMS continues the attempt to sell to the public that the LEAPS will be built even after 2 strong rejections reports by important agencies who would have strong meaning for or, aganist the LEAPS. As it stands the 2 agencies CAISO and The California Oversight Committee does not favor the LEAPS Proposal.
EM1 urge the public to be selective in chosing their newspapers for a good source of hepful information. The Valley News out of Fallbrook/Escondido has demonstrated that it does its home work in bring informational news to the locals of Lake Elsinore. This paper come out once a week and can be picked up at the Wal Mart each Friday, Lake Elsinore.

Friday, May 18, 2007


May 18, 2007
A very, very! powerful rejection on the LEAPS Project handed down by the Caiso and the California Electricity Oversee Board on May 1 2007. The rejections found that LEAPS is not a viable project under its present plan. As city treasurer Peter Weber reported the LEAPS Project will not make a profit for anyone, confirmed by Caiso and the California Electricty Oversee Board in thier powerful rejections report of May 1. Matter of fact they all concurred that the LEAPS Project would lose millions yearly. Another point in the rejections made by the two agencies is that the Energy Policy Act of 2005 does not cover the whole LEAPS project plan of Nevada Hydro's present plan. Nevada Hydro had asked for some $80 million in public funds gaurantee for the first three years with the pay back falling back on the ratepayers. It was rejected. The rejection is a big blow to Nevada Hydro's gauranteed funds and the LEAPS Project as a whole. EVMWD has allocated over 3 million dollars to Nevada Hydro since the 1997 Development Agreement Plan. There are reports that shows who EVMWD paid the individual bills to for Nevada Hydro but no reports on what the actual bills were paid for and why it was necessary to pay these Nevada Hydro bills. Among some who issued invoices to EVMWD for payment for, Nevada Hydro is EVMWD's very own law firm Best, Best & Krieger in amounts over a millions within about a 18 month period. It is a question on why would Nevada Hydro use EVMWD's attorney firm instead of one of their own law firm. There are also a question as to whether or not the approval of the 1997 Development Agreement between EVMWD and Nevada Hydro by a previous Board of Directors is still applicable to the pesent LEAPS Project P 11858 which is a very different project than the project that was originally articulated back in 1997. These comments came from EVMWD's Districts Attorney John Brown at a March 22 Board Meeting. Interested citizens should check into the applicability of the 1997 Development Agreement for LEAPS on its validity. Another interesting issue surfacing is the Energy Policy Act of 2005. More than 40 members of Congress are calling on the nations energy secretary to put off designating national electric corridors in Southern California and the East Coast. Senators and Representatives signed a letter dated Tuesday addressed to Secretary Samuel Bodman stating that the agency isn't providing the public an adequate opportunity to comment on the corridor plan which include Southern California. Comments for public opposing or favoring views will be open to July 6, plus additional public meetings are planned. Public may comment by computer at or more info contact Staff Writer Dave Downey at 760 740 5442 or
By the way ELSINORE MAGAZINE 2 is back We are back but have not yet posted on the site.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Rebuttal to Californian Staff Writer Stories LEAPS

March 25,2007
The Californian staff writer Jose Carvajal Tends to Split hairs when writing stories concerning the LEAPS Project. His stroies about the LEAPS Project shows bias views in EM1's OPINION.
His last story last modified March 24, 2007, the title given this story " State Water Code allows water district to pursue power lines" is mis leading that he he states, State Water Code Section 71663.5 would be allowed to provide, generate, construct and deliver electric power, operating, maintaining any and all works, facilities, improvements and property ... necessary or convientfor that generation and delivery"
First of all he relied on the interpertation of the publics relations staff member Greg Morrison, of EVMWD, rather than get the opinion of EVMWD's legal Attorney's John Brown of Best,Best and Kreiger a Riverside California law firm. The story was negligent in showing any attempt in getting the opinion of the EVMWD's attorney.
Secondly the stature Section71663.5 appears to have been taking out of context. The statue in EM1's opinion appears in a nut shell to be relating to giving a water district the rights to construct, provide, generate, operate, maintainin its own facility to provide electric power for its customers. The difference is that EVMWD will not be constructing, generating and delivering electric power, independently for the purpose of providing a service to its own customers first. EVMWD, is particpating in a project by Nevada Hydro a private Corporation for the purpose of generating electric power outside of EVMWD's Jurisdiction. Nevada Hydro is using the public agency EVMWD as an instrument to push the LEAPS, through. Why wasn't that point made in the news article? Furthermore, why did Jim Fargo an administrator decline to comment on the LEAPS Project? No reason was offered. Why the newspapers are shying away from asking hard questions of the public agencies? The public is being kept in the dark for the most part about business that are a public nature.
Mr. Carvajal noted among the dozen letters the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has received in response to an evironmental impact report released in Feburary. He omitted to talk about the hundreds who showed up in oppositon of the FERC's on LEAPS April 5, 2006 at the Culture Center The story is just not being told appropriately in fairness to the public.
In another story Thursday" Water officials have to talk a fine line"
staff writer Carvajal writes " There is absolutely no reason for any board member here to feel that they can't express thier opinion or vote how they want" board member Phil Williams said. He left it at that knowing full well that is not the truth. Jose had records on how Director Chris Hyland was mistreated and vulurally disrespected for expressing her views by the majority board especially on LEAPS. And yet he let them all get away with a comment as such. That statement by Phil W illiams is a flat lie and many of the public knows it.
Again, Board Member Ben Wicke " It's healthy to have disagreement because it leads to healthy discussion. Another flat lie!!! Nothing can be further from the truth, but Jose let them all get away with the lies, including the spend Greg Morrisson give to him. This is ludicris and shamful.

Monday, March 12, 2007


March 12, 2007
Mr. Doug Pinnow Ph. D. reviewed a 7 page, second report on, The CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR ( CAISO). "CAISO'S EVOLVING POSITION ON LEAPS." His comments below as follows:
I've reviewed the current document and thought you may be interested in my initial reaction.
Its apparent that the FERC is pushing CAISO to figure out a way to help Nevada Hydro "succeed" in the LEAPS Project. By "succeed" I mean that the FERC wants to get Nevada Hydro paid off for getting the LEAPS Project built while also getting Nevada Hydro off the hook for actually having to operate LEAPS POWER plant (and, likely,being financially ruined because the plant is not economically viable).
The FERC is pushing CAISO for their recommendations on how to "succeed" in a time frame that does not allow CAISO to conduct an independent financial analysis of the LEAPS Project. At best, CAISO can only respond to the FERC with their recommendations on how best to integrate LEAPS into the California grid. As such, this action assures that the LEAPS Project will inch forward without anyone blowing the whistle that this project is an economic disaster.
CAISO has concluded that after the February 6th meeting held with their stakeholders (like SDG&E and SCE), that the only viable option is to get Nevada Hydro off the hook for operating LEAPS would be to haver CAISO auction off the rights to operate LEAPS to their stakeholders and any other qualified organizations. Who ever "wins" the operating rights would have all the economic benefits and liabilities that LEAPS has to offer.
CAISO has shrewdly recognized that there should be limited operating term associated with the auction so that the winning bidder would not be blessed by windfall profits or cursed with huge losses for longer than 2 to 3 years.
CAISO has also shrewdly recommended that construction on LEAPS should not begin until after the initial auction had determined that some organization would be willing to accept the operational responsibilities for the first 3 years.
While all this sounds kind of reasonable, it, nevertheless, opens the door to possible serious abuses. By not addressing the economics of LEAPS head on, there is a possibility that some marginal entity (possibly set up by Nevada Hydro) could win the LEAPS operational contract for the first 3 years. This would allow the LEAPS plant construction to proceed. It would also assure that Nevada Hydro would receive the Federally guaranteed$85 million in payments over the first 3 years of operation that are part of their rate request with FERC. The bad news is that even if the marginal entity that won the operation contract were to go bankrupt in, say, six months, Nevada Hydro would still get their $85 million- and we, the ratepayers would be stuck with paying the bill and suffering the consequences of a shutdown hydroelectric power plant (that is not economically viable) and a power lines through the Cleveland National Forest that will continue to operate (because they are economically viable)
I continue to believe that a good way to deal with all of FERC's "dancing around" the obvious economic problems with LEAPS in order to help Nevada Hydro succeed would be to see if we could get the City of Lake Elsinore to require that Nevada Hydro post a construction bond equal to 5% of the LEAPS total construction cost to be uesd in the event that the hydro plant is shut down ( for any reason) within the first 5 years of operation. This bond would be for approximately $70 million and it would be used to restore the Lake and surrounding area disturbed by LEAPS to a condition acceptable to the City and Elsinore Valley community. It would also take away most ,if not all of Nevada Hydro's Profit potential.
Elsinore magazine adds, that perhaps the Army Corps of Engineers, Fish and Game, Fish and wildlife. should be brought in on the construction bond matter, since they have some jurisdiction about the Waters of The United States, Lake Elsinore.
Elsinore Magazine adds also the City Treasurer Peter Weber has raised the construction bond ISSUE at the City, the ratepayers needs to back him, by, going to the city council meetings and be heard . Mr. Pinnow has so gratefully spent time to review the reports for the ratepayers benefit, the least the ratrpayers can do is stand up for themselves in the interest of their own pocket book protection. It is so disgracefully pothetic that the LOCAL NEWSPAPERS are not willing to ask the hard questions and expose projects like the LEAPS RIP OFF KICK BACK SCAMING THE PUBLIC FOR NON OTHER THAN THEIVERY PROFITS. Back in the day news reporters would help the public from being defrauded. Seems those days are gone. Appears more like NEWS reporter, I join the crooks in defrauding the public. The last story on LEAPS ABOUT A WEEK AGO by The Californian NEWS was very very embarrasing!!! a new one was definitely pulled out of the hat. Why don't you get some guts, get of your lazy and print real stories. The public deserves more than junk!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Feb. 25, 2007
Elsinore ValleyMunicipalWater District EVMWD has been betraying the ratepayers in many ways by allowing Nevada Hydro to do what it darn, well pleases such as, having allowed the Nevada Hydro Co. keep secrets on the contract negotiated with the potential buyers/purchasers of the LEAPS Project. Nevada Hydro is a private corporation and is co applicant with EVMWD a Public Agency. The Ralph M. Brown Act disallows meetings of any kind as far as the public's business is concerned with respect to a private Corporation held in secret without disclosing the meeting openly. All information must be publicized. EVMWD HAVE NOT BEEN ABOVE BOARD in its approach of handling the LEAPS Project. How is it that a private corporation gets to call the shots when at the same time using public funds for everything in attempting to push the LEAPS project through? EVMWD has allowed this to happen to their own constituents the ratepayers. Worse of all EVMWD continues to allocate the ratepayers funds to Nevada Hydro, issues INVOICES, to Nevada Hydro with due dates that never gets paid and continues to be ignored by your water District Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District. EVMWD has been paying the invoices about a decade and billings received by EVMWD from and for various Nevada Hydro individual billings. In order to overcome this madness the ratepayers must come out fighting. You have Recall Rights, Veto Rights under referendum, and Civil Rights under the Courts.
The San Diego Gas & Electrice has submited comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Comission FERC on their Final Environmental Impact Statement FEIS analyzing the proposed LEAPS project. Noting, that they would like to correct the record with respect to statments erroneously attributed to SDG&E and identify issues that warrant further consideration.
According to SDG&E FERC failed to disclose much vital information that would be vital reporting in a an FEIS. SDG&E noted in one instance that their comments concerning the Draft EIS's assumption that the TE/VS- LEAPS project will increase G-1/N-1 import capability into the San Diego area by 1000 MW, it is stated that "the final EIS now uses a value of 750 MW" but in various locations, the FEIS cities up to 1000 MW import capability. EM1 wonders why the difference in numbers?
The Final EIS simply references a new SDG&E substation, without revealing that the Department of Defense has the discretion to approve or disapprove a new substation on Camp Pendleton and must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
FERC maintains that co applicants have substantially understood cost associated with site- specific geological and groundwater conditions. As a result, of the cost of building and operating the LEAPS Project would exceed the economic benefits anticipated in the first year of the operation. EM1 is noting that everyone has said from layman to the professionals that this project has no economic benefits. The city Treasurer Peter Weber recently issued a report to the city council stating that the LEAPS Project would lose millions, that their is no economic benefit. The question is, why would EVMWD CONTINUE THE BETRAYAL OF ITS RATEPAYERS THROWING THE RATEPAYERS GOOD MONEY AFTER BAD?
SDG&E continues to note the failure of vital information left out of the FEIS. FERC noted that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission does not emphasize that construction cannot commence until co- applicants obtain all necessary federal, state and local permits, FERC indeed acknowledges that the commission cannot license the TE/VS 500 kV transmission project under thier part 1 of the Federal Power Act, as FERC's jurisdiction is limited to the transmission interconnection of the hydro project to "the point of junction"with the network, that the TE/VS 500 kV line must obtain a " seperate license" or "seperate permit" from part 1. Hydro license and that such separate license may need an approval from the Claifornia Public Utilities Commission (CUPC ) and that neither co-applicants has applied for any CUPC approval. EM1 is wondering what are the co- applicants waiting on? FERC, to issue what ever FERC will issue and of they go running to build without all proper licenses and permits. EM1 IS SHOCKED AT ALL THIS INFORMATION THE PUBLIC DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT. WHAT REVELATION?
Also SDG&E points out that comments submitted in this matter by co-applicant Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District EVMWD and others suggest that EVMWD is disqualified as a matter of state law governing water districts. The California Government code does reference something to the effect that a water district cannot sell power to anyone before first providing for its own customers first. Comments on that law went to FERC during the Draft EIS period.
Finally, SDG&E raises the threshold question of WHY!!! FERC THE COMMISSION would select the staff alternative as the Commission's prefered alternative when the staff alternative is estimated to cost $124,841,500 per year MORE THAN the " No Action" alternative? EM1 would add that many letters including petitions from citizens who would be damaged and impacted by the LEAPS Project was submitted to FERC during the Draft EIS period. EM1 would like to take a guess at the threshold question answer. No doubt Fargo of FERC was perhaps threatened by Issa of his reprisal if he did not make the FEIS say what they wanted it to say.
EM1, seriously call upon law enforcement, FBI to do a serious forensic investigation on the LEAPS Project. there are to many obvious problems and actions that just do not add up. This problem is hughe the public desperatly needs help in getting to the bottom of the whole RIP OFF, KICK BACK SCAM.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


FEBRUARY 4, 2007
Lake Elsinore city treasurer Peter Weber has calculated the annual lost per year taken from the draft of FERC's Evironmental Impact Statement in February 2006. That calculation come to some $200 million loss per year. Since that time the Final EIS dated January30, 2007 have been released projecting even more cost to the operation of the LEAPS project. What professionals having the power to prove or disapprove LEAPS cannot see that this is the biggest kick back rip of scam of the century extorting/ripping off the ratepayers/taxpayers who will be held to pay for the more than $200 million losses.
EM1, finds, very disturbing that Nevada Hydro has proposed a guarantee profit from FERC's approval and according to the cover page of FERC's FEIS it appears FERC is leaning towards approval of this project inspite of all of the annual losses, community opposition, professional opposition that clearly points out that this project is a boondoogle no matter how you slice it, opposition from retired Cleveland National Forest Supervisor and others, opposition from Educators/Engineers with Ph D's that goes on and on. The people have already closed their legs holding them thightly closed from rape in opposition, yet the Federal Energy Regulatory Comission FERC IS ATTEMPTING TO OPEN THEM CONTRIBUTING TO THE RAPE ENJOINING EVMWD and Nevada HYDRO For none other than MONEY and GREED. EM1 strongly suspect that someone have gotten to FERC. Who is paying FERC off to push through what anyone can see as the biggest money lossing boondoogle,kickback scam, Daryl Issa's, apparent MONOTARY vested interest, interviner. EM1 TAKES A STAND TO SAY NO ONE IN EARNEST WOULD APPROVE SUCH A LEAPS Project. EM1 INCLUDES FERC as part of the EXTORTION that = Rape the Ratepayers/Taxpayers off. They are reenforcing the co applicants. EM1, further includes, FERC, as well as, EVMWD and Nevada Hydro as child endangerment at Butterfield School they all put the hanggliders safety before little children saftey and the law states children must attend school. In, this case under any circumstance. Parent and citizens alike you MUST!!! come together as a community inprotection of and SUPPORT your children from the SNARES that LURK their HEALTH/SAFETY. This is as close to murder on little children as one can get.!!! Folks inspite of all the opposition EM1, in dissapointment must tell you at this point your recourse is to sue all of the above to protect your rights that are being taken from you with the shoving of the LEAPS and its COST/ LOSS!!! down your throats by extorting and ripping of you the public's money. If, you the community as a whole do not get of your sorry, lazy, butts, then you will continue to be screwed. Your lazziness is allowing a little water companyEVMWD, to screw you and your children putting their HEALTH and SAFETYat RISK!!! Why AREN'T you EXCITED? already, out continuing, ongoing, PICKETING/MARCHING. You will preserve historical, yet you won't preserve your rights from being screwed over. Talk is worseless and cheap!!! EM1, is MAD as HELL, YOU SHOULD BE ALSO!!!!! PUTTING CHILDERN INTO THE PITS OF HELL!!!! Shame on EVMWD, NEVADA HYDRO, and FERC. You, the citizens, had better do something quick because it is all in CAISO's hands. EM1 REALIZE THAT MANY CITIZENS/RATEPAYERS/TAXPAYERS are attempting to stop this boondoogle, kickback scam but it is going to take the communityeffort joining together working hard with the best attorney you can find outside and far away from Riverside County. Riverside County has long been far to CORRUPT including law enforcement.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

ANNE S. fege, PhD., M.B. A. LETTER

January 28,2007
EM1, is posting a letter written by Anne S.Fege, PhD., M.B.A., 12934 Texana Street, San Diego, CA. 92129. Anna Fege was Supervisor, Cleveland National Forest, until she was transfered by Issa, to far to get to work everyday. She retired.
January 3, 2007
Commission Joseph T. Kelliher
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC, 20426
Subject: Unnecessary LEAPS Project at Lake Elsinore
Dear Commissioner Kelliher
As commissioner of the Fedaral Energy Regulatory Commission, I want to encourage you to oppose the Lake Elsinore Advanced Pump Storage (LEAPS) project in Riverside County California. The project will not produce any additional electricity and will cause the following irreversible and high risk impacts.
. Destruction of two pristine canyons on the Cleveland National Forest
. High fire risks from high voltage power transmission lines and unacceptable danger to firefighters working near them. Eight firefighters died in Decker Canyon in August 1959 in the area proposed for the transmission line.
. High cost, to meet earthquake standards, of building power equipment at the base of the mountain located in the Elsinore Fault line.
. Detrioration of Lake Elsinore's shoreline, with daily water level fluctuations.
. Reduced open space and hiking for more than 3 million people, who live within an hour's drive of those canyons.
. Omission of energy conservation as a policy and public campaign to reduce peak power demand.
. Negative economic projections, with unreasonably high energy rate projections and long payback period.
These costs and impacts are far too high, to justify the destruction of some of the most natural and beautiful lands enjoyed by the 19 million people in southern California so that a few investors can profit and a few businesses and individuals can pay less for peak power
Anne Fege
ANNE S. Fege, Ph D
And Retired Forest Supervisor. Cleveland National Forest.
Posted and rewritten by ELSINORE MAGAZINE1 (EM1)

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Extortion of E.V.M.W.D, By Nevada Hydro= Rate Payer Rape!!!

January 19, 2007
Ratepayers/Rape Facts Documented as of January 6. 2007
EM1, has collected documentation on the LEAPS Project . And are attempting to summarize thier opinion on the actions/manner EVMWD are spending the Public Funds on the LEAPS Project to Nevada Hydro.
Fact 1- EVMWD have spent more than $2 million dollars of ratepayers/taxpayers public funds. According to documents, public funds have been allocated/spent subsidizing Nevada Hydro's income from the public funds, without budgeting for such funds from a period beginning about 1993,1997 to present.
Fact 2- Nevada Hydro has not paid any of the public funds back as of this date . EVMWD HAVE NOT TAKEN ANY STRONG ACTIONS AGANIST NEVADA HYDRO IN AN EFFORT OF GETTING THE FUNDS BACK UP TO NOW. They continue to send billings to Nevada Hydro with due dates but EVMWD just keeping on trucking, extorting and raping the ratepayers/taxpayers funds to Nevada Hydro in which no other income coming in to Nevada Hydro is found.
Fact 3- EVMWD are using the ratepayers/taxpayers funds in distribution to paying Nevada Hydro's individual billings as follows:
a. Stoorza/OReily: 05/23/01, invoice 9772, $37,111.38, 08/15/01 invoice 9887, $44, 658,88, 09/25/01, invoice 9931, $26,886.11, 12/20/01, invoice 10006, $14,202,02, 02/25/02, invoice 10093, $8,635.48, 06/30/04, invoice 10973, $6,210.00, 07/31/04 $495.00, 09/30/04, invoice 11142, $825.00, 02/14/04, invoice 11160, $200.00, 06/31/05, invoice 11521, $2,857.50, 12/31/05, invoice 11635, $1,177.50, 12/31/05, invbice 11671, $990.50, 02/28/06, invoice 11747, $940.00. Total: $145,131.37.
b. Alexander Strategy Group: 10/21/02, invoice 10323, $15,000.00, 04.04/03, invoice10477, $50.000.00, 05/13/03, invoice10505, $10,000.00, 05/16/03, invoice 10542, $20,000.00, 07/31/03, invoice 10654, $10,000.00, 08/31/03, invoice 10712, $10,000.00, 01/04/04, invoice 10784, $10,217.32. Total: $125,217.32.
c. Ryan, Phillip,Utrecht & MacKinnon: 10/21/02, invoice 10323, $15,313.24, 04/04/03, invoice 10477, $50,882.94, 05/13/03, invoice 10505, $20,511.90, 06/26/03, invoice 10546, $10,000.0, 06/30/03, invoice 10596, $10,207.98, 08/31/03, invoice 10712, $10,032.78. Total: $116,948.90.
d. Travel: 06/30/04, invoice10973, $2,340.00. Total:$2,340.00.
e. Printing: 06/30/04, invoice 10973, $12,378.26. 09/30/04, invoice 11142, $1,856.63. 06/30/05, invoice 11450, $303.62. 10/31/05, invoice 11605, $2,375.00, 12/31/05, invoice 11671, $443.59. Total: $17,437.59.
f. Best,Best& Krieger: 07/31/04, invoice11067, $13,378.21, 10/31/04, invoice 11160, $17/855.95, 03/14/05, invoice 11290 $37,346.34, 03/14/05, invoice 11327, $2, 332.85, 06/31/05, invoice 11571, $54,441.25, 10/30/05, invoice 11605 , $81,184.33, 12/31/05, invoice 11635, $164,650.31, 12/31/05, invoice 11671, $192,940.71, 01/31/06, invoice 11747 $22,190.62, 02/28/06, invoice 11789, $24,511.94, 04/31/06, invoice 11871, $147,262.96, 04/30/06 invoice 11898, $94,357.84, 05/31/06, invoice 11936 $137,150.11, 06/30/06 invoice 12013, $169,325.69, 08/31/06 invoice 12079, $159,308.71, 09/30/06, invoice 12124, $88,652..34. Total: $1,410,750.66. All above are taken from EVMWD OWN DOCUMENTS. In reviewing from EVMWD''s documents it appears that multiple company billings to EVMWD ARE ON THE SAME INVOICE. Each company, service or enitity should have its separate invoice for their records when dealing with other enitities . All request for billing breakdown on each of the separate billings as to what service, work or operation was performed for the pay have been ignored, avoided, or not given. Chris Hyland spent most of her tenure years fighting aganist funds beinf paid to Nevada Hydro. Mrs. Hyland also do not believe it is a viable project in the best interest for the community, and that the LEAPS Project will not provide any or enough service directly to the ratepayers. The electrical service would be mainly for the San Diego and other areas. Mrs. Hyland is also the first to step up to the plate voluntarily to pay back the overpaid D ays of Service. The other majority Board Members had to be forced by by an audit they obviously controlled. No releases have been found on the status of the other Board Members having paid any of the overpaid Days of Service back they themselves approved to do so. Even so the majotity never approved paying back overpaid funds from 2001 and 2002 and only parts of 2003 & 2004. Fact, Chris Hyland, Never took any money she did not earn.!!!
In view of the above documented information EM1/EM2 strongly urge EVMWD's ratepayers to form a committee . Open their wallats wide. Collect funds collectivly, hire an attorney outside of Riverside County far away . From all APPEARANCES, a strong Civil Case Exist for holding all the self serving leaders accountable in recouping the public funds. There are about 38,000 EVMWD RATEPAYERS, just $25.00 each from a fraction of the 38,000 should raise enough funds to hire the best Civil attorney for a case to go after the bastards who are obviously extorting and ripping of the ratepayer/taxpayers. Waht ever is done must be very,very prudently planned. The ratepayers are dealing with slimmie, slippery, conterfiet, lying, slick self serving, unprofessional unleadership, doing unhandedness behind the scenes in the name of closed sessions and ad hoc meetings. They are meeting with Nevada Hydro a private corporation out of the public's view. EVMWD a public agency.
You have the Public Records Act, the Fredom of information Act, and the recently Amended State of California Constitution Prop 59 by which to obtain any public records from EVMWD.
End part 1 Next part 2 LEAPS Project Financial Status.
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