Reports indicate that Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District EVMWD are continuning to use Public Funds in an extorted, artificial manner inappropriately. The LEAPS Proposal as EVMWD laud it of as an Advance Pump Storage Project is no more than an Enron Fudge in order to utilize public funds in an attempt to appear legal on the stealing of public funds. The latest a MOU suggesting that EVMWD propose to run the would be LEAPS Project. Jumping from one plot to another plot.
EM1 suspect that racketeering and money laundering is eminent and apparent in the agency. EM1 urge the public and ratepayers to keep a very tight and close watch on how EVMWD the agency spends, allocates, and utilize the public monies. This is your, the public's money. You recently received a rate hike and it is right for you to know exactly what is going on. Get an attorney outside of Riverside and Orange county if need be. Make request to review all documents pertaining to the LEAPS Project and all of EVMWD's finances. Due to the high cost to obtain documents, an in house review is recommended with a camera, by manner of thePublic Records Act, The Freedom of Information Act, The amended State of California Constitution Prop 59. Make a point to find out if the spending of public funds is indeed budgeted directly, in the agency and always properly approved by the Board of Directors. EM1 do not belive that EVMWD the agency operate its business in the best interest of the general public and that, public agencies should not be allowed to hire big law firms but individual attorneys on an as needed bases only. If in fact the public business is run properly and in the best interest of the public then, there should be no need to hire big law firms to gulp up the public monies. Circumventing the law to do so. Legislation should repeal the use of big attorney firms for public agencies. Watch out for former Riverside County DA Grover Trash and present DA Pacheco he was selected by Grover Trask before he left the DA's position.
Citizens are beginning to question former DA Grover Trask motives in that Grover Trask was the DA for about 30 years. He failed to prosecute a former Cty of Lake Elsinore staff member who's credible incriminating evidence found by the credible and sharp at figues, city Treasurer Peter Weber who filed a complaint on his findings in 2006 at the Riverside DA's office. Mr. Weber found that the former staff member among other things used the city's credit card for personal gain, her friends at a gambling casino, possible family members and other. Yet Mr. Trask failed to present good solid evidence to a judge, for a jurors decision. EM1 believes Mr. Trask took the law into his own hands on that case. The other is that Mr. Trask, immediately, after leaving his prosecuting positin as DA went to work for Best, Best & Krieger BB&K as a conflict of interest and ethics specialist, and in part represents EVMWD the water District. He also failed to look into complaints made by former EVMWD Director, Chris Hyland submiing on her opinion, various violations of the law in the district. She, also submitted complaints on days of service pay to directors where as directors was paying themselves illegally aganist their own policy and even with an, anonymous letter from " employees who is tired of self serving directors." He did nothing. It was also reported that the districts PUBLIC'S RELATIONS person had a straight line from the DA's office to Directors Phil Williams and Kristine Anderson keeping them posted as to what Ms. Hyland had submited to the DA's office, according to the employees letter.
In view of Mr.Trask failures, citizens have a hard time trusting the former DA's motive in working at BB&K for EVMWD the district. Mr. Trask, immediately set up classes pertaining to the Ralph M. Brown Act., shortly after a Brown Act violation at a EVMWD regular study session June 20th, where as Nevada Hydro and Morgan Stanley arrived at the study session after the session was already in progress, unannounced at 9:55am. They came in to give an update on the LEAPS Project and their current affiliation with one another. Without notice to the public nor on the agenda, a direct violation of the brown act. Director and President of the Board Ben Wicke allowed them to give the update without any objection from any of the other Board Members. A requst to cure the Brown Act violation fell on death ears without any response to the request . Many are wondering why the former DA set up Brown Act classes since public officials are already required to comply with all laws and attend classes and certified as having attended the classes. Mr. Trask, also have some former elected officials wondering why they were included in the notification to attend the classes in view of the fact they are no longer in office. It, has been learned that officials still in office at the city of Lake Elsinore and EVMWD nor staff members, did not receive notices to attend. EM1's, opinion is that the former DA and present DA may have a straight line to each other for EVMWD's benefit. He has involved and entwined him self with an agency who CONTINUES to be highly corrupt, unethical, disrespectful, cunning and conniving towards its ratepayers. EM1, also, believes that former DA Trask and present DA Pacheco is far to close to all the area agencies. EVMWD continues its ill practices against the public as if it have some fix it persons out there. Could the former DA be a fix it person for EVMWD, making the corrupt, incorruptible, appearing as legal? What has law enforcement come to have they any morals left? Why didn't the former DA go work for a prosecuting office instead of defense at BB&K/ EVMWD outside of his field. Citizens keep a close eye on this one.