Thursday, August 28, 2008


According to a Californian news story 2 political officials was the victim of an intentional arson fire to each victims vehicle in Lake Elsinore Riverside County.
Thomas Buckley a city councilman serving a second term as city councilman heard pop sounds and looked out side to see his vehicle on fire in July. Buckley served as Mayor during his first term and has did well on improving the city of Lake Elsinore from when he first took office. EM1 didn't believe Buckley had any enemies. Its shocking to find out that he was the victim of an arson. This is sad. The other victim who had someone knock at his door to let him know his vehicle was on fire is long time citizen of Lake Elsinore and realtor and former city of Lake Elsinore City Treasurer Richard Dick Knapp Sr. Knapp is now running for the Directors seat 4th Division in an election for the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District EVMWD and oppose the Proposed Hydroelectric Power Project known as the LEAPS Proposed Project. The LEAPS Project is controversial and it is no surprise that opposing candidates may become targeting victims. The last 4th Division candidate Leroy Sanders an opposing LEAPS project at the time was also a target of threats in the last election EM1 recall, but it was kept quite. John Brown the attorney for EVMWD and other directors knew about the threats and some directors names was implicated in the threats. Also the Public Relations person name at EVMWD was also implicated in the threat. EM1 call upon law enforcement to interview Sanders about the threats on his life and what come of it, the end results. Also all of the Board of Directors should be interviewed. There were documentation on the threats. Sanders would know about the documentation as well as some directors. EM1 has suspected that this day may come because the law enforcement in Riverside County has a poor record for solving white/blue collar crime although they have been warned. They tend to look the other way and the former Riverside County DA is now an attorney for Best, Best & Krieger law firm for EVMWD. EM1 feels its time for the FBI to get involved and interview all of the EVMWD old and new staff. EM1 believe some have plenty to say. The present city Treasurer and family should be protected.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


It appears that EVMWD's Director of 5th Division John Lloyd are being kept in the dark on the so called LEAPS Project just as former director Christine Hyland was. Director Lloyd was elected to 5th division of EVMWD's Board of directors last election and has been battling to keep up with what is going on with the Project. His stance when elected was not readily in favor of the LEAPS in its present plan. Lloyd is outratged at the millions that continues to escalate just for EVMWD and Nevada Hydro to think about an idea on how to pursue the LEAPS Project, now he has become the outcast as former Director Hyland was even to the point that it is questionable whether or not the former Director was truly voted out by the voters or out by voter fraud hackers. The buzz word is that Harvey Ryan no longer attend the two committee meetings with Director Phill Williams. They switched to Williams and Ben Wicked. The public is unaware of why the change. Matter of fact the public just as Lloyd and Hyland was not kept updated on details of the LEAPS Project are not being rightfully informed ither. EM1 IS AT A LOSS FOR WHY THE MILLIONS OF PUBLIC FUNDS HAS BEEN SPENT and no BENEFIT TO ITS RATEPAYERS. THE WATER CODE DOES ALLOW A WATER DISTRICT TO GENERATE POWER BUT ONLY AFTER IT HAS FIRST PROVIDED POWER TO ITS OWN CUSTOMERS AFTER WHICH A WATER DISTRICT HAS
SURPLUS THEN MAY SELL OF POWER. EM1 is desperate for answers on why EVMWD is allowed to continue throwing public funds at the bad to no avail on a project proposal that has been rejected by more than two warranted agencies as a none viable project. The same reason Hyland and Lloyd rejects the proposal as planned. Hyland went to Riverside County Law Enforcement for help to find that some Deputy DA was working with EVMWD's PR person informing Directors Phil Williams and Kristine Anderson of what Hyland was attemprting to do, according to information circulated by Employees Against Self Serving Elected Officials. Riverside County Law Enforcement has yet to do justice on the information given them by Hyland. What is so puzzling is that Director Judy Guglies Lana claim to be againstt the LEAPS Proposal yet is so quiet. How many vacations she gets for being so quiet in the name of seminars AND HOW MANY COMMITTEE MEETINGS SHE GET TO COLLECT DAYS OF SERVICE PAY EACH MONTH FOR BEING QUIET?. EM1 say to Director Lloyd stand strong and stand tall right will win in the END!!! Good Luck to you.