Sunday, February 4, 2007


FEBRUARY 4, 2007
Lake Elsinore city treasurer Peter Weber has calculated the annual lost per year taken from the draft of FERC's Evironmental Impact Statement in February 2006. That calculation come to some $200 million loss per year. Since that time the Final EIS dated January30, 2007 have been released projecting even more cost to the operation of the LEAPS project. What professionals having the power to prove or disapprove LEAPS cannot see that this is the biggest kick back rip of scam of the century extorting/ripping off the ratepayers/taxpayers who will be held to pay for the more than $200 million losses.
EM1, finds, very disturbing that Nevada Hydro has proposed a guarantee profit from FERC's approval and according to the cover page of FERC's FEIS it appears FERC is leaning towards approval of this project inspite of all of the annual losses, community opposition, professional opposition that clearly points out that this project is a boondoogle no matter how you slice it, opposition from retired Cleveland National Forest Supervisor and others, opposition from Educators/Engineers with Ph D's that goes on and on. The people have already closed their legs holding them thightly closed from rape in opposition, yet the Federal Energy Regulatory Comission FERC IS ATTEMPTING TO OPEN THEM CONTRIBUTING TO THE RAPE ENJOINING EVMWD and Nevada HYDRO For none other than MONEY and GREED. EM1 strongly suspect that someone have gotten to FERC. Who is paying FERC off to push through what anyone can see as the biggest money lossing boondoogle,kickback scam, Daryl Issa's, apparent MONOTARY vested interest, interviner. EM1 TAKES A STAND TO SAY NO ONE IN EARNEST WOULD APPROVE SUCH A LEAPS Project. EM1 INCLUDES FERC as part of the EXTORTION that = Rape the Ratepayers/Taxpayers off. They are reenforcing the co applicants. EM1, further includes, FERC, as well as, EVMWD and Nevada Hydro as child endangerment at Butterfield School they all put the hanggliders safety before little children saftey and the law states children must attend school. In, this case under any circumstance. Parent and citizens alike you MUST!!! come together as a community inprotection of and SUPPORT your children from the SNARES that LURK their HEALTH/SAFETY. This is as close to murder on little children as one can get.!!! Folks inspite of all the opposition EM1, in dissapointment must tell you at this point your recourse is to sue all of the above to protect your rights that are being taken from you with the shoving of the LEAPS and its COST/ LOSS!!! down your throats by extorting and ripping of you the public's money. If, you the community as a whole do not get of your sorry, lazy, butts, then you will continue to be screwed. Your lazziness is allowing a little water companyEVMWD, to screw you and your children putting their HEALTH and SAFETYat RISK!!! Why AREN'T you EXCITED? already, out continuing, ongoing, PICKETING/MARCHING. You will preserve historical, yet you won't preserve your rights from being screwed over. Talk is worseless and cheap!!! EM1, is MAD as HELL, YOU SHOULD BE ALSO!!!!! PUTTING CHILDERN INTO THE PITS OF HELL!!!! Shame on EVMWD, NEVADA HYDRO, and FERC. You, the citizens, had better do something quick because it is all in CAISO's hands. EM1 REALIZE THAT MANY CITIZENS/RATEPAYERS/TAXPAYERS are attempting to stop this boondoogle, kickback scam but it is going to take the communityeffort joining together working hard with the best attorney you can find outside and far away from Riverside County. Riverside County has long been far to CORRUPT including law enforcement.


k29 said...

FERC may be sick of these stupid jack asses also. Think about it. They chose the site next to Butterfield School knowing the project will now be tied up in the courts for years to come.FERC is definitely a disguisting disgrace to the human race but the greedy bastards get their money and they keep their people happy and best of all they have big pupils and powdrowski the lawyer aka TNHC off their backs. Phil and the gang are happy though because the party goes on for years to come they can continue to travel dine vacation all in the name of LEAPS. They now will have even more fun with their bought and paid for whore lugi Ben thinks shes pretty sexy. Watch them they will all continue to party hardy all in the name of LEAPS> Ben Wicke is the greediest and second to Harve and phil the biggest dope.

k29 said...

FERC may be sick of these stupid jack asses also. Think about it. They chose the site next to Butterfield School knowing the project will now be tied up in the courts for years to come.FERC is definitely a disguisting disgrace to the human race but the greedy bastards get their money and they keep their people happy and best of all they have big pupils and powdrowski the lawyer aka TNHC off their backs. Phil and the gang are happy though because the party goes on for years to come they can continue to travel dine vacation all in the name of LEAPS. They now will have even more fun with their bought and paid for whore lugi Ben thinks shes pretty sexy. Watch them they will all continue to party hardy all in the name of LEAPS> Ben Wicke is the greediest and second to Harve and phil the biggest dope.