Thursday, November 1, 2007


In a letter dated October 17, sent to Best, Best & Krieger's(BBK) John Brown Attorney representing EVMWD has rejected the MOU attempt of EVMWD becoming co applicant with the California Public Utilities Commission CPUC in working the CEQA requirements. In a nutshell the CPUC noted in its letter to John Brown that EVMWD have no standing powers nor eminent domain in a project like the LEAPS, does not believe EVMWD should be involved in Nevada Hydro's (NH) lines protection and affirmed that the power lines is Nevada Hydro's project and that EVMWD has nothing to bring to the party. The letter further revealed that Nevada Hydro has not signed a MEMORANDOM of UNDERSTANDING( MOU) so there is not an agreement to send to them. The letter also states the project will be built and financed by private entities NHC and Morgan Stanley.
The CPUC pointed out that its agency has the greatest responsibility for reviewing the project and issuing a certificate of public convinence and necessity(CPCN). The CPUC has sitting jurisdiction over transmission line (the FERC has permitting authority over the pumped storage facility.
The CPUC states in the letter to John Brown that the CPUC has general governmental powers and broad regulatory authority. The District does not have the eminent domain authority to site and build (or to imbue a third party with such powers in a transmission line like the one proposed. see Water Code Section 71663.5 delineating such limitations.
EVMWD's Actions Reconfirm RICO ACT
EM1, looking back at the more than 10 years EVMWD has been involved in a proposed project called LEAPS in a supposed co applicant development agreement with Nevada Hydro of Vista CA. In view of the over 10 years of spending public funds to Nevada Hydro the question comes to mind did EVMWD give Nevada Hydro more than $3million dollars all those years just for Nevada Hydro to think about the LEAPS project? that is what EM1 thinks the spending amounts to. Its crazy!!! EM1 rather think a scenario like this happened. party (a) got together with party (b) An idea was born to create an imaginary power line, pump storage facility project. party (b) saw fit to use party(a) as the instrument to allocate public funds to in the name of LEAPS with both parties a&b undersanding each other motives create ways to issue invoices for billings in the name of LEAPS payable for created imaginary various reasons for cause and to various conspiring agents for cause but in reality there were never any cause nor anything real, tangible or intangible, no groundbreaking, no tranmission lines, no pump storage facility, no issuing of any permits or certificates by any governing agency, yet more than $3millions of public funds spent in the name of LEAPS for no public benefit whatsoever!!! documents and track records suggest that party (a) seem to have been used to kick back funds in a kick back manner to party(b) in an open ended pattern reconfirming a RICO ACT Pattern. If anyone believe that EVMWD gave all those millions to Nevada Hydro just to think about the LEAPS Proposal for more than 10 years think again!!! remember this has been going on for more than 10 years . with no gain in sight.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Brown, Your letter sept 24, 2007 addressed to Sean Gallagher has been referred to the legal division for a reply. In this letter you desscribe the intrest of EVMWD in entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the California Public utilities Commission. You propose through your letter that the two agencies enter into a co-lead agency agreement for an enviornmental review of the proposed project by the Nevada Hydro company,inc, (TNHC) and the district. As you know this co-lead agency proposal was raised by Edward O'Neil, another attorney for the district, with Sean Gallager and myself in a meeting here in our offices on friday, Agust 24, 2007. AT THIS TIME WE REQUESTED AN OPPERTUNITY TO REVIEW THE CURRENT JOINT DEVELOPEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE TNHC REGARDING THE LEAPS PROJECT SO THAT WE COULD BETTER UNDERSTAND THE FORMAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO PROPONNENTS OF THIS PROJECT. To date we have not received the document we requested, and it would be helpful for us top have it to better undertstand your position. To the extent the district has concerns regarding public disclosure of the document, we are willing to keep it confidential and to use it for internal purposes only. I DONT THINK SO EDDIE THATS A LITTLE TO MUCH LIKE EDDIE HASKAL REMEMBER LEAVE IT TO BEAVER YOU SEE EDDIE ITS PUBLIC INFORMATION. The pump station will never happen and John Brown and the EVMWD board knows this. Now the way the scam goes EVMWD will continue to pretend its POSSIBLE while they continue to rip off rate payers . 4 million dollars is not enough they want to continue to take money and fight for the scam they created. I think your right Mrs. stafford ITS BEEN TEN YEARS IM NOT A LAWYER BUT THE CRITERIA IS THERE THE RICO ACT. FRAUD WASTE AND ABUSE.

Anonymous said...

The Rico Act The organization creates a problem only the organization can solve. Here are some criteria that must exist to file a Rico claim. 1. There are members of an enterprise. 2. Members share a common purpose. 3.Members must function as an organization formal or informal. 3.Members must function as a unit. EVMWD is fighting the very scam they created. Hey LLoyd get a clue money is missing. Is this a unit you would like to be a part of. Have you ever heard of guilt by association. Get busy Mr. LLoyd because your looking pretty bad if not horrible. Get some advice to boost your courage dont go down the toilet with this group your the reform guy remember. CLEAN IT UP CLEAN UP EVMWD.

Anonymous said...

Its fillllllllllllllllllthy!!

Anonymous said...

I must defend Mr. Lloyd have you ever thought about this. In his campaign you will remember he was against the LEAPS project so please they are going to keep everything from him regarding LEAPS as they did Chris Hyland. They are back to their old practices of reinstating the AD HOC committee meetings which are illegal and have been going on for 6 years first with Kris Anderson and of course Phil Williams and now it is Phil Williams and Ben Wicke who really run EVMWD behind closed doors.Oh, I forgot Harvey Ryan is in their camp too. Guglie well she just does and votes the way Phil Williams tells her based on her stupidity regarding water matters and he put her there so she would vote the way he wanted her to. Just remember they will be exposed to supporting a project that will never be. Their unethical practices will be exposed and you will be horrified as to where your rate money has been going. It will come out just remember Mr. Lloyd may not be another Edith Stafford - Bob Vermillion or a Chris Hyland openly expressing their dissatisfaction - his way of working against the LEAPS project is significantly different and will be beneficial for the rate payers and in the end they will know that he has been working against the improprieties of the LEAPS project.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lloyd has a right to any information he requests, but he must have the courage and motivation to get it, he also has a right to legal representation. I hope your right and Mr. Lloyd is working behind the scenes. The board shows no fear of Mr. Lloyd they are violating the Brown act and scamming right under his nose. The board is unethical and they act as laws dont apply to them.

Anonymous said...

Any wonder why the PUC would run away as quickly as possible, and distance themselves from Mr. Brown's self proclaimed confidential agreement. It's illegal to proclaim a document confidential when in fact it is a public document...if it exist at all (it doesn't it wa never approved or even seen at a public meeting). Does the document exist Mr, Brown? You went to Sacramento with Wicke in tow, oh excuse me, the honorable Mr. Wicke, you said some things in the meeting, Mr. Wicke watched in awe as his lackey, his friend for over decade decade spewed a bunch of nonsense about LEAPS to the very educated, very astute lawyers from the PUC. Mr. Brown, they blew you away, but hey, you're gonna fight right??? you're gonna give those fellas at the PUC what for, and the cost...well Mr. Brown and company know, perhaps $2 hundred thousand a month. Yeah the gravy train..courtesy of Wicke and Williams keeps a rollin for BB&K, but what of the towers. Fight the PUC for puting up towers, and they didn't even give think to give you guys a dime. Heays, alls fair in..wellyou grt thr drift..good bye Nevada Hydro. Nevada Hydro will get $85 million dollars for brokering the towers deal. You, Mr. Brown are out,, you get nothing last I read from the PUC letter, doesn't it make you mad Mr. Brown. They get $85 million and you, well you get what ever this foolish board gives you, your like a dog looking for his next big meal, but you've been trumped by the the big boys in Sacramento who understand the law far better than Mr. Wicke and Williams, and your so called friends from Nevada Hydro. Go ahead, feed the Board memebr minds of crazy ass dreams that will never happen, tell the Board you're gonnea fight, after all it is your hard work that got Nevada Hydro the big contact independent of what ever you spin. That leterr Brwon wrote ot the PUC was desperate and pathetic,. It's over Mr. Brown, no more moeney, no more windfall for your firm from already have your villa in southern France courtesy of MR Wicke and Willims, isn't it enough???? Maybe Mr Wicke will console you with a million dollar gift, oh that's right no gift in excess of $12,000 is non taxable. How do your taxes look Mr. Brown, I have a very good understanding of Tax statutes...better than you...much better than you. Mr. Brown, and Mr. Williams for that matter," the time for honoring your selves will soon be at an end".


Anonymous said...

Is Mr. Brown mixing perscription drugs with alcohol. The way I see it he can still make a fortune even in a stupor he's smarter than Gugliano wicke phil harvey and anderson all put together. Now he needs to be reported to the Barr not bar association. Watching blatant fraud waste and abuse of public funds is not acceptable. What is Gugliamana doing up there besides what Phil tells her to do. John brown and EVMWD are the dirty old Elsinore the corrupt they need to go. I want to be proud of my city trashy leadership is an embarassment.

Anonymous said...

Your right Gugliepiggggggggy does vote the way Williams tells her to why do you think they wanted her on their she's about as knowledgable as a pig regarding the water district. I can hardly wait till they are all exposed to underhanded practices. Williams we all assume is till meeting daily with Kris Anderson as was their practice when she was on the EVMWD Board planning their strategies regarding the LEAPS project behind closed doors. It is said they both were promised big paying positions at Nevada Hydro when the power lines went through.Since Williams got kicked out of with Century 21 - whose filling money in his pockets. Your right. Williams - Wicke and Ryan needs to get their butts kicked out of EVMWD and Gugliepiggy will get hers she probably will resign on her own when the big boom comes.

Anonymous said...

What your stating makes sense and now I assume I know why Kris Anderson screamed at the treasurer at the top of her lungs as her large brown eyes bugged out of her head, it was an awful site and a piercing scream, the mayor was there and warned the city treasurer to stay away from her, maybe having lived here many years he knows something we dont like maybe shes CRAAAAAAAAAAZY! The guy took the advice. That kind of rage comes from extreme anger, Mrs. Anderson and her big brown eyed boy phil dont want anyone to jeopardize their plans. 85 mill is alot of cash im sure alot of promises have been made.

Anonymous said...

Why would guglilugi want to be on the water board. She obviously has no knowledge regarding water issues. Shes Phils puppet nothing more nothing less. I went to a water board meeting and she sits up there with a big smile on her face as if its a social event, NO WONDER JOHN BROWN AND HIS FIRM ARE FILTHY RICH AT RATE PAYERS EXPENSE. She has no opinions just some fantasy of being important no wonder millions have been wasted.Wicke is no different what a gullable man Harvey no comment just a puppet. Wicke anderson and Williams are more sinister and greedy but they will get nowhere. Lloyd the big doing something behind the scenes hardly the real work is being done by others.

Anonymous said...

Look what happened to Corona Sheriff of Orange County. Williams, Wicke, Anderson, Young and Brown will be exposed and then we can have a big big hoopla.If the Feds can do it in Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange County they can finally get passed Grover Trask who is still running the DA's office --- maybe they can get the cell next to Corona.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it Mr. brown welcomes information to be sent to to Mr. Pacheco the attorney general and a few others. Dont think so MR. Brown, obviously these are your friends. Why didn't you mention the Barr Association didn't hear you mention that Mr. Brown. You should donate the money you made at the expense of others less fortunate and less educated to charity. You allowed their foolish heads to be filled with wild fantasies. squirly individuals to begin with as you know quite well. The perfect storm has been brewing for years and you've made a fortune and you rationalize it all away in a very sloppy manner.

Anonymous said...

I have proof that LEPS is not possible and will never happen. The law wont allow it. The fact that 4,million dollars of rate payer funds has been spent and not a single elected official or supervisor has looked into the scam enough to realize the extent of fraud waste and abuse that is taking place is disguisting.Due diligene has not been done and 4 mill has been spent on whatever they felt like. This is one of the biggest scams Elsinore will ever see. Why do Temecula and Murrietta look down on us take a guess. Rescue Murietta went after Vanhaster one member was a lawyer Vanhaster was endicted on 15 counts.What EVMWD is doing in my opinion is far worse than what Vanhaster did trying to help his daughter and fill his own pockets with this massive daycare.Yes hes disguisting and he got what he deserved.What EVMWD has done and continues to do is far far worse. We cant go to the DA but we're going after this trashy group and in time I believe this trashy group will be exposed. Other cities need to see this is the old old Elsinore new people are here now and we are not going to put up with blatant fraud waste and abuse and obvious conflict of intrest and violation of the Brown act on a weekly basis.

Anonymous said...

Wicke - Williams - Morrison -

you will be exposed...........

Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it John Brown makes fun of EVMWD board when their not around, the very people that made a fortune for him, the very people he used. Thats ok John because we all will have the last laugh. Yes you took advantage of greedy less educated people than yourself filled their head with crazy dreams as if you deserve to make money off of their ignorance. Why do you think your better than them they have kids just like you, but for some reason you think you have a right to use them your not better or more deserving in many ways your worse than they are.In my opinion Mr. Brown dosent advise the board of even the basics of law ,and in my opinion he is using his license improperly.

Anonymous said...

If Phil Williams left Century 21 its a big story, he is an elected official and the people have a right to know why he was forced out or felt himself it was necessary to leave I say this because it has to do with his dishonest unethical way of doing business. In my opinion he was once again scamming with no regard to his clients with numero uno in mind. If I lived in Horse Thief Canyon and Phil Williams came over there to lie to everyone about wires going under ground and mis lead people for his own benefit I would be tempted to spit at him. Give up the scamming Phil get off your ass do some work for a change your criminal mind gets a D+. Put your energy into school instead of trying to scam everyone you meet. Get off your lazy ass and try and use your brain in an honest way for a change of pace. Personaly I hope you end up in jail. To the news reporter whom ever you are dont be a day late and a dollar short Phil Williams should be exposed for who he is.

Anonymous said...

Not only did he leave Century 21 for illegal situations - he needs his ass kicked out of EVMWD -- next election he will be. Oh, you know else should have their ass kicked of EVMWD is the lying Greg Morrison. Exposure - exposure - exposure is coming.

Anonymous said...

Mr Morrison is Mr. Youngs Butler. He dines travels and has a good time with Mr. Young, so the fact he is a servant, gopher and aid to Mr. Young is eaisly overlooked by him. You see in their minds Mr Young (EVMWD'S Manager)that manages nothing because he constantly travels, is a very important executive whos goal is to build the worlds largest hydro plant. Wow Mr. Young you may become world famous, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Solve the worlds electrical crisis while you wine dine travel and manage nothing because no one especially the CPUC want anythinng to do with In my opinion your ilegal unethical practices. they must be amazed why a supervisor or elected official has not done anything including Grover Trask and Rod Pacheco about the blatant FRAUD WASTE AND ABUSE OF THE PUBLICS FUNDS. The CPUC sees Mr. Brown for what he is. This board in my opinion is very corrupt and they are proud of it. What a fantasy world they have created with each other, and this has gone on for ten years. They know their ripping of the public, but rationalize it away while they spend needed rate payer money. My water bill was 100 dollars ,the water smells like to much chlorine is present so my skin is itchy everywhere after bathing and the rates are going up another 20 dollars. I cant even take a god dammned bath. Not to mention the 100 year old pipes with rotten shit metal etc in them. Elsinore has a bad reputation not just because of the lower socioeconomic class of people that live in some areas which is what city leadership in my opinion like to blame everything on. In my opinion it has more to do with the many years of very very poor corrupt leadership by the city which has greatly improved and the water district which is filthy and needs to be cleaned up. In my opinion the district attorney turned his head looked the other way and even now John Brown states he welcomes information to be sent to the DA. I bet you do John. I dont think so, He's your friend not mine. I dont have friends like that. We are up to 4 million dollars of fraud waste and abuse, we have absolutely nothing to show for it but a bunch of fat happy year round vacationers. I dont know about you out there but im disguisted and this will stop. What happened to the days people actualy cared and would never allow such abuse.

Anonymous said...

The crooks have been running EVMWD for the past 16 years and they will be exposed. Yes - Greg Morrison is a hopper of planes so he won't have to work in the office. He needs as you said his ass kicked and he will be proven and will have to resign when certain people take action in law enforcement. Hooray hooray now certain people that have been thrown out by the unscruplous Williams, Wicke and Anderson. People like George Alongi, Johnny Pearson, Chris Hyland, Donald Ashe because they would not support being a crook. Alongi was thrown out because he had his own opinions and Hyland was thrown out in the last election so that some unethical pig could be elected to do what Williams wanted her to.