Saturday, November 10, 2007


The, Elsinore Municipal Water District maybe in vioalation of the Brown Act in the way it conduct the Ad Hoc Standing Committee meetings concerning the LEAPS Proposal. Over the many years EVMWD Board Members have been regularly scheduling Ad Hoc Committee meetings, continuing in subject matter, without public notice or opening the meetings to the public for public attendance, observation or input. For a short period of time the Board discontinued the Ad Hoc meetings, previous with, Directors Phil Williams and Kristine Anderson. It is not understood by EM1 why the discontinuance for the short period but EM1 believes the restart of the Ad Hoc with Board Members, Ben Wicke and Phil Williams, without public notice would be in violation of the Ralph M. Brown Act under Standing Committees(a continuning subject matter, fixed by the Board, comprised of less than a quorum of the governing body are covered by the Brown Act. The Ad Hoc Committee was created by the Board under the creating of various committee meetings hosted by Board Members. Citizens should look into whether or not the classes on the Brown Act by Grover Trask of Best,Best & Krieger, BBK have any influence on the restart of the Ad Hoc, LEAPS meetings without public notice.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr. Aaron Burgin you are the first reporter to do a knowledgeable fair story on the Leaps project. It shows that you did alot of research. As someone against the LEAPS project ofcourse I would like to see only negative publicity, but a fair reporter must tell both sides. That is exactly what you did. The story exposes and helps others to understand that the evidence shows Nevada Hydro wants just the power lines. The extent of there scamming and closed door meetings to me is despicable, and maybe for the first time people will begin to realize what Nevada Hydro is attempting to do. You didn't acuse them of anything you simply stated facts and I hope you read this comment because your article was excellent, and I wanted to thankyou.

Anonymous said...

We finally got a reporter that tells both sides of the story. Keep it up Arron - we need reporters like you......not the one sided Californian.....They only print the lies that Greg Morrison wants them to print if it has anything to do with EVMWD or LEAPS. He will be exposed.........oh, first he must run to the DA's office to find out if anyone has been reporting EVMWD illegal practices.

Anonymous said...

When Mr. Browns report is submitted to the bar association included info will be the fact that meetings were given to inform the public of the laws governing the Brown Act, and this was given to educate the public that have reported violations to the DA and EVMWD Board including John Brown over and over. We are not confused about the Brown Act your the ones violating it. You have the former Da in BBK'S conflict of intrest Department. One of his specialties is the Brown Act as he advertises on line, this will also be reported, ADHOC committees dont last over five years it should have been under standing committee years ago so the public could attend. If Offering classes is to plant doubt in my mind I have none EVMWD has and is in clear violation of the Brown Act. Mr. Lloyd if your allowing this to continue why are you there? Reform takes just a little courage do you have any? dosent look like it. I read the actual law for standing comittee and ADHOC committee the law librarian at the riverside law library was very helpful it confirmed what I read on line. The definitions are clear and conscise. FRAUD WASTE and ABUSE in so many different ways this board is sickening.

Anonymous said...

No one is stupid enough to report anything to the DA. We've been let down over and over it is confirmed nothing will ever be done. Murder gang activity yes these are important but so is white collar crime. I have news for the DA, peoples lives are very much at stake when city government is corrupt. The city has improved, there not perfect but their not abusing the cities money. EVMWD is out of control. Mr. Trask in my opinion may want to fix or hide the mess this board has created. Dont bother Mr. Trask its to late.

Anonymous said...

To commentor number one . People may also realize why Phil Williams and Kris Anderson met in twos to discuss LEPS with Lewanski and Rex Waite the two men that call themselves the Nevada Hydro Company. Their not a company their two scammers they have a suite with a phone. I agree they have used anderson and williams with John Browns help, however I have no sympathy for them. You see Anderson and williams are not as stupid as you think. In my opinion Williams and Anderson know the wires without the LEPS is a very real possibility. The guarenteed 85 million dollars the two scammers from Nevada Hydro will receive is guarenteed with wires only. They will become multi millionaires. Now do you suppose they've promised Anderson Wicke and Williams something? well make up your own mind. But keep in mind 5 years of adhoc meetings a clear violation of the Brown Act took place with williams anderson and nevada hydro, why the secrecy? 85 million dollars is alot of money. Now the game is played like this. Williams Wicke and Anderson and Ryan and staff in my opinion will act as though they dont want the wires alone without the pump station. John Brown will now fight the very people Williams and Anderson met with secretly while they violated the Brown Act for 5 years, and John Brown and BBK will make a fortune ,the villa in france is not enough they want more. Theyve helped Nevada Hydro by giving them over 4 million dollars of rate payer money now their going to fight Nevada Hydro and waste more rate payer money. Yes folks its out of control and I bet your stumped at just how out of control it is, but dont be its simple . The board has no fear of the law because they know nothing will be done and they can get away with whatever they wantthey have for over ten years. If they followed the law the scam would never have gotten this far. People are amazed at the brazen misconduct conflict of intrest waste of rate payer money, but dont be. When no fear of the law exists people get bold ,but their also sloppy and slopiness is our friend in this case. You have to understand greed is a sickness. To keep the public out ADHOC meetings went on for 5 years and some say they are still going on with Wicke and Williams, but im not sure because lloyd is quiet. Ive prayed he is doing something behind the scenes. Here is where Grover Trask comes in. These violations were reported to him over the years nothing was done. If the meetings were held under standing committee as they should have been this scam would have never ever have gotten this far because the public would have been there with a packed room listening to every word. If the wires go up alone and we have a devestating fire because fire men cannot get close to the wires due to the possibility of an explosion so the fire will be allowed to burn out of control because there is no other choice Many lives could be lost. And as I said John Brown and BB&k will now make a fortune fighting Nevada Hydro whom they've helped up to this point by giving them over 4 million dollars including intrest of rate payer money which they left out of the budget. The DA should care about white collar crime when its small because it grows and grows as the corupt feel protected . People die when their murdered and they die when their burned or drowned. City government and EVMWD must fear the law or people may die inadvertently due to a lax system that does not keep the oath they swear to protect them. The Cleveland National forest is in many peoples back yard. These wires also emit radiation and studies do show increased leukemia in children near power lines. The article in the paper by Aron an excellent reporter points out Nevada Hydros intent, in 2005 with the alternate plan they have in place. Williams John Brown Wicke anderson morris young everone knew about the alternate plan of wires only. Mr. LLoyd you stated the writing was on the wall but no one wanted to see it. ONCE AGAIN MR LLOYD DONT BE SO GULLABLE. THE WRITING WAS ON THE WALL AND THEY SAW IT BIG AND BRIGHT IN DOLLAR SIGNS.If one plan fails they still win. Its good to give honest people the benefit of the doubt, but good grief mr. lloyd please wake up these people dont deserve that.

Anonymous said...

My Ass is On Fire..

Anonymous said...

Mr. Brown is sharing the wealth with his friends, Everyone is making money off this scam. If anyone would care to look at the documents the extent of the abuse and scamming becomes very obvious I guess that easy 900 grand is just to hard to turn down Juliani has made tons of money for his firm all rate payer money. The EVMWD bank is open to washington DC courtesy of EVMWD but only for favors ofcourse.

Anonymous said...

During the Unity in the Community Parade on Saturday ---- a car was in the Parade with two signs in the back window. One said re-elect Phil Williams the other stated elect Harvey Ryan. I think Phil Williams better think twice before he runs again........ho! ho! ho! we will not be sitting down doing nothing it's already in the works and you better believe he is going to get his butt kicked. Crooks always do.....

Anonymous said...

You beat me --- I was going to write the same thing.....thank you now I know I am not the only one to thinks that way. What irrates me is the fact that NO POLITICAL AGENDAS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE PARADE BUT AS USUAL Williams doesn't follow the rules.....his signs in my opinion will do him no good in the months to come.

Anonymous said...

Trask,Bracewell & Guilani our future presidents firm after all he is the republican front runner and two scammers nevada hydro and the ring leader of them all John Brown all have their hands on rate payer money and their taking and taking everything they can get their filthy greedy hands on while they can. Elsinore has for many years been corupt and the fact that we pay out millions to crooks and lawyers John Browns friends is in full force. Rudy Guilanis firm charge 475 dollars an hour. BB&k were taking so much rate payer money to fight for a scam they decedided to share with their friends. Now Grover Im sure thinks he should get some to as you can see he high tailed it to BB&K couldn;t get there quick enough after placing his pupet pacheco in his place after all he protected his friends for thirty years so his pockets will also be filled with rate payer money. By the way rate payers have nothing to show for the undocumented amount of 4 million dollars spent and this is only one year. Grover wants to be a judge. Greed the hogs are having a feeding frenzy at the trough. When the law ignores abuse and waste of funds and violation of the brown act and conflict of intrest word gets out millions are available and that gets the most greedy and corrupts attention. Anyone wonder why congress is rated at an 18% approval rating by the american people you dont need to wonder anymore. Pigs at the trough taking care of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Grover wants to be the next attorney general. Now this is the kind of guy Bush would love another Alberto Gonzales, Loyal to his friends to the end smiling all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Last month the city was going to build a $90 million biulding and
gave away $30 thousand in a no
design contest. This month they
are going to make cut-backs.That's

Anonymous said...

The city just gave 700 thousand dollars to a public school so a huge gym and outdoor area can be built. Gee did anyone think the county should pay for half, after all the city is part of the county, and they were reminded of this fact by the city treasurer prior to voting who felt the county should pay for half. They chose to ignore the treasurers advice. You see they like Mr. Cousins do they like the treasurer thats questionable. You see he always tells the truth even if its not popular or what the council wants to hear. As a rule cities dont give public schools money so I think half the money would have been enough.

Anonymous said...

Mr Cousins can now be a hero to the school board and the schools. I have nothing against Mr. Cousins he cares alot about the schools and the city but good grief Mr. Cousins the city cant afford this. I hope you dont ask for another mill soon because you might get it and its not fair. Belly dancing and art classes inbetween cheer leading basketball assemblies not easy to do.

Anonymous said...

Where is that Fire Station the
city was going to build in Rosetta

Anonymous said...

Where is that Fire Station the
city was going to build in Rosetta

Anonymous said...

700,000 is to much to give to the school. Can you imagine what could have been done to the senior center with that kind of money, to bad Mr. Cousins is not rooting for the elderly alot could have been done with 700 grand. Exercise equiptment. I hope they have enough coffee, when Watenpaugh was city manager one elderly person came to the council meeting and asked why they couldn't have coffee in the evening as well as the morning. Pretty sick. Genie Kellie is a senior citizen she should help hew own people. In the mean time Watenpaugh was eating at Vincenzos and using the citys credit card to pay for his and his wives perscriptions and his shaving supplies and whatever he felt like buying.

Anonymous said...

Build a fire station. What a responsible thing to do, after all that is the cities responsibility. Oh they forgot about the fire station, sorry about that, instead the city wanted to give a public school a gift of 700 thousand dollars, so if you burn as a consequence lose your home or a loved one well sorry about that but you see they have their priorities and it is to make Kim Cousins happy and give away the cities money to a public school. Gee with all the devestation from fires the santa ana winds and the new fires in malibu you think that would have rung a bell and reminded them. guess not. Im surprised Mr magee allowed himself to be swindeled like this he is usually smart about money and reigns in the purse strings. He was very irresponsible this time, and if people burn to death in a community because there is no fire station this will be hias legacy. Genie, shiffner killlroy there legacy is they let five people drown under their nose. When the money does not belong to you, it needs to be used for city purposes. Try and find one city that gave 700 grand to a public school trust me you wont be able to. Shame on the council i would expect this from darly jenie and shifner but not magee and buckley their usually smarter.

Anonymous said...

Need Money !!
Write Lake Elsinore City Council
(note all request must be on LEUSD
approved paper)

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Schiffner just resign the old man should never have been on that council - he was appointed by the unethical Brinley, Kelley, etc to fill the boots of one councilman that left. Can you imagine he has been there for 10 years by hook or crook. No he was never an engineer at Long Beach I am told from a reliable source. Why do the newspapers always go for his comments .... most time his comments are a joke.

Anonymous said...

Just be happy Shiffner had to face all the corruption he allowed right under his nose, genie and Shiffner were forced to face reality in public. They both have to live with the fact along with every other staff member that was their at the time not one stood up including Leiopold and said put up a fence or sign so no one else drowns instead they allowed children and parents die. Now lets just hope money is available for the fire station because people may burn if the city took money to give away as a gift. Its not their money safety comes before a gift. Their should be more laws in place to prevent this type of endangerment and force the city to be more responsible and put safety first. It would help prevent small town mentality to rule. Mr. Magee and council may not understand what they did was inappropriate. Its better than stealing or putting into their already bulging retirement packages, but none the less it was very stupid.

Anonymous said...

When the city reported in their
press release there would be
"cut-backs". It appears they left out some including one in public safety. A Fire Station that they
were suppose to begin building
this summer and be completed by
June 2008.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Magee its nice you and Kim COUSINS run around in business suits and get your photographs taken for different advertising purposes to promote lake elsinore in various unknown business magazines but why did you Mr. Magee cross into fantasy land and decide your a millionaire with 700 grand to give away, its not your money to give away Mr. Magee. Did Mr Cousins take advantage of your small town mentality. Didn't you know mr magee cities dont give money to public schools they put safety first you swore to keep the people safe. Its not your money mr magee and as far as im concerened what you did is steal money from the people you stold money that should have been used to build the fire station and you gave it to your friend kim to take back to the school board. In your short lived fantasy you were a wealthy executive with 700 grand to give away except you crossed the line and your fantasy became reality. Our reality is your an ass and you let us down.

Anonymous said...

Somebody better lock the door
to the candy store. That money was
burning a hole in thier pockets
and they sure the hell weren't
going to spend it on something
necessary like public safety.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.