Thursday, January 3, 2008


It appears that EVMWD's Director of 5th Division John Lloyd are being kept in the dark on the so called LEAPS Project just as former director Christine Hyland was. Director Lloyd was elected to 5th division of EVMWD's Board of directors last election and has been battling to keep up with what is going on with the Project. His stance when elected was not readily in favor of the LEAPS in its present plan. Lloyd is outratged at the millions that continues to escalate just for EVMWD and Nevada Hydro to think about an idea on how to pursue the LEAPS Project, now he has become the outcast as former Director Hyland was even to the point that it is questionable whether or not the former Director was truly voted out by the voters or out by voter fraud hackers. The buzz word is that Harvey Ryan no longer attend the two committee meetings with Director Phill Williams. They switched to Williams and Ben Wicked. The public is unaware of why the change. Matter of fact the public just as Lloyd and Hyland was not kept updated on details of the LEAPS Project are not being rightfully informed ither. EM1 IS AT A LOSS FOR WHY THE MILLIONS OF PUBLIC FUNDS HAS BEEN SPENT and no BENEFIT TO ITS RATEPAYERS. THE WATER CODE DOES ALLOW A WATER DISTRICT TO GENERATE POWER BUT ONLY AFTER IT HAS FIRST PROVIDED POWER TO ITS OWN CUSTOMERS AFTER WHICH A WATER DISTRICT HAS
SURPLUS THEN MAY SELL OF POWER. EM1 is desperate for answers on why EVMWD is allowed to continue throwing public funds at the bad to no avail on a project proposal that has been rejected by more than two warranted agencies as a none viable project. The same reason Hyland and Lloyd rejects the proposal as planned. Hyland went to Riverside County Law Enforcement for help to find that some Deputy DA was working with EVMWD's PR person informing Directors Phil Williams and Kristine Anderson of what Hyland was attemprting to do, according to information circulated by Employees Against Self Serving Elected Officials. Riverside County Law Enforcement has yet to do justice on the information given them by Hyland. What is so puzzling is that Director Judy Guglies Lana claim to be againstt the LEAPS Proposal yet is so quiet. How many vacations she gets for being so quiet in the name of seminars AND HOW MANY COMMITTEE MEETINGS SHE GET TO COLLECT DAYS OF SERVICE PAY EACH MONTH FOR BEING QUIET?. EM1 say to Director Lloyd stand strong and stand tall right will win in the END!!! Good Luck to you.


Anonymous said...

What da ya hoo ah? I don't get it, what the hell are you talking about? Get some proof or just stay off line, I am so tired of this nonsense the editor writes.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt Directors on EVMWD......

beentheredonethat said...

I just wonder who the nitwitt is that sent me an annonymous flyer telling me:


and then suggested that I should visit certain websites.

Who said I "support" anyone?

Some people are not very bright.

beentheredonethat said...

Whoever it was obviously doesn't know what he/she is talking about.

Anonymous said...

What is the law waiting for, the fraud waste and abuse continues. I wish the law would hurry up and investigate the waste and abuse of public funds. I understand this takes time, however this has gone on for over ten years. We are up to a grand total of 5 million dollars wasted on LEPS and rate payers of Lake Elsinore have absolutely nothing to show for it. Citizens of this city are waiting for justice the law needs to get involved and put a stop to this waste its unfair. Instead we get a rate increase so the waste and abuse of public funds can continue at an alarming rate. This is schoking to me that such abuse is ignored. Law enforcement is aware at many levels and this fraud waste and abuse continues. If the law is willing to ignore the fraud waste and abuse it will continue. I've lost faith in our DA our supervisors and in time other agencies if they dont do something. This is an absolute disgrace such greed and scamming at rate payers expense. For the first time one million dollars showed up in EVMWD'S budget regarding LEAPS what about the other 4 million they've left out of the budget for years. Were about up to 1000 dollars per house hold if you divide up the 5 million of waste. Thats about a year without a bill. That money should have gone to old sewer pipes or better yet an incentive to use solar panels thats our money EVMWD could've used it to encourage solar power and given rate payers a thousand dollars off of their homes total cost for solar power. This is and has been out of control and its unfair please Mr. LLOYD help us its not fair.

Anonymous said...

beentheredonethat ho! ho! ho!
since you already knew about the are aware of the corruption going on behind closed doors. Or did you already know about the crooked deals from your idol? - be sure and read into the websites the information seems to be first handed.....and factual. I thank those for promoting these websites so we can find out what is going on with our rate and tax payer money. So thank you "beentheredonethat" for reading those blogs TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS so they know and can spread what is going on behind closed doors.

Anonymous said...

So many visitors, even with the press today. Levee breaks and floods thousands in NV, yet no one cares. Is anybody there....does anybody care....Salt Peter John....
Is this 1776 or what? Are you with me? Are you againsts me? I nedd some real hard evidence, not some rantings of some old lady who lives in Missippi. Did I spell it right? Hey, ask the editor of this site, I am sure the person can fixed it nugh said word.

Anonymous said...

Is Phil Willaims going to jail? Last blogs talked so much about the evidence and his being guilty of a crime. What was the crime? Is this just another bunch of BS? Where is the evidence? Where is the curb? Who will curb this foolishness? I'm thirsty.....where ia the truth.....truth, and what is thuth?'ve been committed of a crime....have you nothing to say to me....I have the power to set you free....does all of this sound as though we've heard it before? Give ne real hard know...who do you worship kind of stuff....who's face is on a coin....give unto the coin that which is the you know the rest? We will all die one day...maybe some one will come up with a formula to extend life, even so, we will die, 80 years..100 years...400 years... I love the movie with the giant worms, the guy from the twin peaks palyed the big part, rember the movie...I can't..even so, the one person is 400 years old and lives, he is pure evil trying to extend his life by whatever means, and he still enjoys the likes of a very young Police (the band) person. His freind of 300 years dies and he rejioces that it isn't him...anything for another day of life. So sad, his life artifically extended, but still he will die, we will all die, many don't believe God can be our father, they live for today. Others believe they have tim eot cahnge, othes so caught up in the world of BB&K they believe this is it. What it is is this....grow up, you're in the dark, some on the EVMWD board have overcome some great obstacles, Ms. G. are you the second coming of Mrs. Tammy Faye?? Taken by the eyes of a very soulful Williams...a very senoir Wicke...or beatuful young wife of the other old guy on the board...his second by the way...she loves the power...ugghh..gag me with a spoon already.. Chritamas party 2007...she was all over him again acting like a fool.

Phil won't go to jail, he and his friend will be reelected, and I will keep paying more for water than I should.

Anonymous said...

5 million dollars and we have nothing to show for it. There is your proof everyone, what more do you need. Go before the board and ask them what they spent 5 million dollars on and how it benefits the rate payers and our city. EVMWD steals in a way that does not blatantly look criminal. Its called fraud waste and abuse of public funds. The board is not to bright, so the lawyers john brown BBk and even our old DA the honorable Mr Trashk are making a fortune you see Mr trashk works for bbk Alot of foolsih board members are being taken advantage of their heads are filled with wild dreams of becomming rich or working for those they help become wealthy simply fools taken advantage of by greedier fools mainly lawyers. 5 million would pay for alot of sewer pipes you see many of our cities pipes are rotten and old. Sometimes you cant pull proof right out of a hat its not that simple it takes a long time and alot of investigating we can only hope god has a plan dont worry wrong doing has been investigated and reported now god gets the last word, just wait and watch and dont be foolish. The elsinore one person may have trouble spelling but she sure is on the right track and I say good job keep up the good work we need people that care and who are smart enough to see the greed and waste and realize its not that easy to prove but atleast have enough sense to see the problem.

Anonymous said...

Your right Phil Williams won't go to jail ...... my opinion is he has Grover Trask protecting him....after all why do you think Best Best & Krieger (EVMWD's law firm) hired Trask -- none other than to protect the Board members at EVMWD from their unethical practices. The DA is in Trask's pocket - why do you think Trask got him elected. Have you ever seen a politician in the past 25 years in Riverside County be indicted for anything? NO NO NO NO NO and as long as Trask has command they won't be indicted for illegal manueuvers.

Eventually, crooks get caught by a slip up and then the Feds step in so don't be too positive in your thinking that he will be re-elected. You got it right about the ugly Gugliepig.

Anonymous said...

i am seeing dubble. why r there soo many double letterings in theese postts?

Anonymous said...

dubble what nut house did you come out of???????

Anonymous said...

We need a candidate in Horsethief and/or Lake Elsinore to run against Phil Williams in the 2008 election --- he is totally unethical and more and more information regarding is unethical practices will soon come forth. Check out stopleaps.inf and

I have read them and you will see what many of us know but the rest of the public must be made aware especially when they are using our money illegally.

Anonymous said...

Where's the beef? This is just such B.S. Give me some real facts, put someone in jail already or just stop this site.

Anonymous said...

Hold on it takes law enforcment a little time ----- because you can't go to the DA he will do nothing to indict politicians especially EVMWD with Grover Trask sitting in at BB&K.

Anonymous said...

John Brown and BBK can explain to the law board where the beef is. Dont give Grover Trash so much power. He cant protect the law firm BBk John Brown is to careless and greedy. The real facts are going to sneak up like the serpents every greedy one of you are and bite each and every one of you greedy idiots when you least expect it. Your not getting any real facts, but we will all be listening when because bbk will have to explain themselves. Trash is where the trash is he can protect no one.

Anonymous said...

Trask can protect no one. Only honorable lawyers sit on the law board a branch of the supreme court. Trask can only dream of being one of the honorable sitting on a board that judges lawyers who violate the law and display conflict of intrest to pursue greed. Dont even worry about Trashk he has chosen to be amongst the greedy and stupid, he has no powwer, you see those above Mr. Trashk will laugh at any attempt on his part to protect bbks wrongful actions. Those on the board are honorable and will be disguisted by such foolishness and greed.

Anonymous said...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Anonymous said...

no ones doing things over and over again. It takes time to get results. Just reasuring people Grover Trask is not all powerful and can prevent BB&K from wrong doing is necessary, the people need to be reassured, and unafraid to report all wrong doing to law enforcement over Pachecos head. Some people write on this web site Grover Trask can protect BB&K they need to know thats ridiculous. He has no power the law is the law.

Anonymous said...

Insanity is John Brown making his own rules which are substandard giving poor legal advice at top dollar rates and causing rate payers millions of dollars in legal fees, which make him and the rest of his law firm a fortune, thats insanity folks. Insanity is 5 million dollars has been wasted on leaps and rate payers have nothing to show for it thats insanity. Poor legal advice makes bbk a fortune why should they give expert legal advice when they can prolong LEAPS and make easy money, thats exactly what their doing, and the fact their getting away with it thats true insanity. Insanity is wasting 5 million dollars when the city has rotten pipes. Insanity is raising rate payer rates exorbident amounts when all the waste continues. You my greedy friend have no idea just how insane and greedy you really are, but in time you will be forced to see your greed and answer for it. Rest assured the important things are not repeated there reported and some take longer than others, but to everyone out there dont let anyone discourage you continue to report all you know to anyone except Pacheco or any law enforcement in riverside.when you cant trust your own law enforcement you must go above their heads and explain why they cant be trusted ,it takes some work but its worth it because they will continue to waste and abuse our money until their stopped.

Anonymous said...

Your arrogance is amazing. I think its great you think were stupid enough to do the same thing over and over. You just wait.

Anonymous said...

Im glad John Brown and EVMWD think everyone is stupid just spinning our wheels repeating ourselves. They count on this and thats why we now have the evidence we need they think were all stupid its fantastic. Certain branches of the law take a long time even up to a year, others are faster, good things are going to happen soon and I have a front row seat. Soon we will be popping the champane cork!

Anonymous said...

Insanity is contnuing to give money away without a ironclad contract for reambursement. This aint no western flick where the good guys where white hats and the bad guys dress in black in the ole west they used to seal it with a handshake back then but they made dammt sure they had a gun to.

Anonymous said...

I like the last comment cute but true. Everyone share your thoughts. Just click on anonymous type your comment then click on publish your comment. Everyone needs to stick together until our money is no longer being wasted, I say wasted its the same as stealing gross abuse of power and ignorance and greed rule with this board.

Anonymous said...

It did not take Greg Morrison long to inhibit Aaron Burgen of the Press Enterprise. After his first article on LEAPS no longer have you found him writing anything else of what is going on behind closed doors and the money they are illegally spending on the project... EVMWD can't come to an agreement with Nevada Hydro - even behind closed door meetings.

The tide will turn but forget it Burgen will not get any feed backkks from the Pack...

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Burgron is waiting for Ronald Young to give him information he will be waiting until the 12th of NEVER! Surely Aron knows he has a right to public information. He needs to put in writing what information he would like and give it to EVMWD. Mr. Ronald Young is probably in Washington DC pretending to be amongst the smart and powerful. HA HA Ha HEe HEE HEE. HEE HAAA. Its funny until reality hits and we remember he's wasting rate payer money to do nothing except stand around and live his fantasy then one no longer thinks its funny.

Anonymous said...

I understand Mr Lloyd trusts are DA he really needs to get with the program. You've heard the saying a day late and a dollar short. He's ten years late and 5 mill short. Hello Mr. LLOyd is there anybody in thereeeeeeeee. Lucky for you Mr. Lloyd others are doing the work you are soobviously incapable of doing. Your style is different than chris hylands you do things behind the scenes where you feel safe and your achievements so far in the publics eyes are NONE. Your an observer.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it Mr. LLoyd gave information to Pacheco, regarding wrong doing. Get a clue Mr. Lloyd nothing will be done. Dont worry Mr. Lloyd you can stay in the back ground and hide and pretend your doing alot of big important things giving something to pacheco a big move for you. You can say you did something now good for you. Thank goodness others have enough sense to know who to report info to. Pacheco is a safe bet for mr. lloyd nothing will be done and Mr. lloyd can continue to be an observer safe and warm collecting a check. Dont feel bad Mr. Lloyd thats the way most people are.

Anonymous said...

Some people do good deeds for all the wrong reasons. How do we know a person fits into this category. Thats a little more tricky. You can tell alot about a person by how they treat their family. If one will fight publicly for truth and justice and right the wrongs for all to see pubicly ,then verbaly kick a family member who showed great courage in the stomach in a moment of weakness because their uncomfortable or worried about their self or comfort level in one way or another deserves another look. One mistake two maybe but a lifetime pattern sums it up. How we treat those behind closed doors is who we really are. Anyone who denies this lives in their own self created world. Is it selfishness probably with a little help from hell. For those of you who understand this one warning beware dont allow them to take away your joy their not wort it, just protect your little ones show them gods way and be happy and in time of grief go to those you know will show you kindness and mercy.

Anonymous said...

What do you suppose the Press Enterprise and the Californian get for not printing the truth about EVMWD and their misappropriation of our rate payer money????????? Greg Morrison sure can fool the Editors of both papers. - Too bad we have a District Attorney that will do nothing about WHITE COLLAR CRIME IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY.....sure different in other counties.

Anonymous said...

Lake Elsinore has been a disgraceful corrrupt place to live for the past thirty years, thanks alot grover for doing nothing. How are things going at BBK pockets full yet Grover. Try and satisfy your unquenchable greed, your definitely with the right law firm. Phil Wicke and Anderson will keep you rich and fat. Just fill their heads with fantasies as john brown did and now you grover will have them swooning at your feet. Your a movie star baby, give chris anderson your autograph. Betty Boop aka Tammy Fayeaka Gugli LUGI now she is easy take a look at her grover she will bat those big eye lashes for you easy cash. Easy money courtesty of hicks incorporated. Its amazing these people have access to our money and take it and waste it on boondoggle projects which are an excuse to steal. 5 mill to a midget with pupils bigger than his corneas and a lawyer a two man company called Nevada Hydro, imagine that grover oppertunities are good for atleast a mill after all you were the former DA. Tammy faye gugli lugi may need a depend on when your around.

Anonymous said...

Pete Weber reported John Brown to the law board for unethical practices. Weber who lives to build up his ego and importance in the community continues to yell at his wife in front of his kids. This is how much he cares about his wife and kids. He's teaching his kids to be inpatient selfish and yell when frustrated. Children in abusive families often yell and abuse their own wives. A father is a boys role model. Mr. Weber wants to be the treasurer controler so getting john brown is another contribution to the community. A good resume fact. Another success for weber to brag about. Is Mr. Weber better than John Brown obviously not but in his world hes great. Maybe he should take the giant red wood tree out of his own eye before he judges others. Weber who repeatedly yells at his family should not be in a high level position of importance, because he is not stable. A person willing to hurt others including their family to achieve a goal should be alone. Living for yourself should be done alone.

Anonymous said...

were's your glass house?

Anonymous said...

What da ya hoo ah? I don't get it, what the hell are you talking about? Get some proof or just stay off line

Anonymous said...

You must pretend to be a good friend of Peter Weber's to make the such public statements on knowing anything about confidential information he may have submitted or told you about ..... otherwise how you know whether he had turned John Brown into the Bar - if he did????and if you are a friend being one that is at their residence to see as you say he is abusing his children and wife(knowing his wife I know that is a lie) then you must be an ass hole of a friend. I might add it is not true and you are a stupid ass liar. People like you can't stand the truth and can't stand it when unethical or crooked people are exposed. Peter should kick your ass out the door when he finds out about your telling these dirty filthy lies. And let me tell you there are number in my opinion of those on the Water Board and as well as employees at the Water District that are totally unethical.

Yes and if Peter can expose these unethical and crooked people more power to him --- thank you Peter in anything you can expose that is illegal and let me tell you there is a lot of that going on - the only thing is we don't have law enforcement in Riverside County that will prosecute white collar crime....not with Grover Trask sitting in the office of Best Best Krieger who represents EVMWD and runs the District Attorney's office from there. Pacheco should turn around and tell Trask it's over man I am the leader and things are going to turn around even though you hand picked me......white collar crime is on its way out of Riverside County.

I HOPE MANY HAVE THE SAME OPINION THAT I DO. I hope many ethical citizens support Peter's efforts of exposure for illegal practices.

Anonymous said...

Weber isn't any thing but a big bag of wind!

Anonymous said...

Just ignore all of this spewing, Peter. Keep up the good work. And keep being the good father husband moneyguy that we know you are. no one believes the lies. hold your head up high and keep punching those numbers. And whoever is writing this crap why dont you have the guts to sign your name? that would explain alot. stop picking on the weber family and get a life.

Anonymous said...

Weber may appear to be a wind bag, but a wind bag thats intresting to watch. He's smart and will use his intelligence to maintain his inflated ego and feelings of grandiosity. What others dont understand is he has a very fragile ego and lacks a centre or self, he is super sensitive to criticism and rejections. Yes hes cruel, but understanding the pathology of his behaviour makes it more tolerable, but its difficult to be around him. He's defeinitely in a world of his own. When someone has a obsessive envy comparisons and competitive attitudes toward others, it becomes very draining, he sees things in black and white you are simply superior or inferior to him. This is just to hide from all the pain he feels. At the end of the day who really cares he will never change, and in his struggle he will do good things at all costs even if it involves hurting others thats the down side but try and look at the good and live and let live.

Anonymous said...

The last coment is written by someone about him/her self, not about Peter.

Anonymous said...

And Not one of the regulars. an intruder. a medusa, word

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are entering into the twilight zone.

Anonymous said...

Being around a windbag like weber is not entering the twilight zone it is the twilight zone. He abuses and hits his kids police records will prove it. He outwardly appears to be an upstanding citizen reporting anyone he can to the authorities. My source says something different, and I agree with the other commentor who you are behind closed doors defines you. A wind bag like weber gets a thrill out of fooling the public like any sociopath. His wife better wake up and face reality before someone gets hurt!

Anonymous said...

Lets get serious im someone thats been there. To Mrs. Weber dont you know the ultimate betrayel is to hurt ones family with words or fists. If your husband is abusive get away from him or you become the betrayer because your children do not deserve to be hurt by words or physical abuse if all this is true get away from him he is no good just go.

Anonymous said...

The simple truth is this...people who take pleasure and delight in the mistakes and pain of others deserve the same medicine. We needn't worry about them at all. God takes care of those sideways persons in His own time and in His own way. If we are lucky, these crablike persons end up with their own kind. They know it too, that's why they strike out at others with the only thing left inside them- hate.

Anonymous said...

thats right.leave people alone and they wont have a reason to hate you. Everyone will live and let live. But if you hurt others than we will protect them at all costs. even exposing you.

Anonymous said...

Your a fool far removed from the truth. Who in their right mind would take pleasure and delight in the pain caused to children and a family by a selfish man. Weber has certainly fooled you. Protect him if you wish, you wont be the first fooled by weber.

Anonymous said...

The people of Wildomar finnally got out of the grips of Elsinore
now if they can find a new water

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Wildomar will use thier
RDA money to bring white collar jobs to the valley instead of building goernment projects.

Anonymous said...

Wooooooo in the four years I understand that Chris Hyland was on the EVMWD Board - never once was she asked to go to Washington, D.C. and I got that straight from her. However, Gugliepiggggggy went three weeks after she got in office. Now she is going again......and she does not even know ass from a hole in the ground about the Water District. She was bought by Phil Williams and Nevada Hydro and that unethical jerk Ben Wicke and Kris Andreson. Their comments about Chris Hyland was I understand she was not a team player and they could not control her bring out their unethical underhanded practices. Of course, they tell Gugliepiggggy how to vote and what to say and that she why she goes Washington they bought her.

Anonymous said...

dont they know its hard to control an independent one. they are not for sale somthin=g about free will.

Anonymous said...

they are not for sale and never on sale.

Anonymous said...

If the city wants to buy property there plenty in foreclosure they can buy for 4 million!

Anonymous said...

No that land is too muddy. beware golfers in new sand traps. the course is real QUICK. The city should scrap together the money to buy up land for the civic center

Anonymous said...

At least the Czar gave the people
three choices before he decided which one was best for them.

Anonymous said...

nevermind i"ll shut up now

Anonymous said...

The company the Lake Elsinore
RDA is buying the property from
for $4.1 million for their Civic
Center stands to make about $1Million for owning the property for less than a year.

Anonymous said...

Our City Council decided to use $4million of RDA money to speculate on land rather than use it to bring jobs to the area.

Anonymous said...

It's not th city of Lake Elsinore spending money they are on track now and no more questionable spending. It's EVMWD you have to be concerned about. Wait more to come.......about how our rate payer money is being spent.....

Anonymous said...

They gave their "friend" over a $1 million profit for owning the property for less than a year.
Do you really believe he was going to build condos in that area at this time? That would be what
RDA agency is for.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Mr. Dennis is trying to do Damage Control.

Anonymous said...

The 2005 assessed value on that
property was $1.5 million. According to the latest Data Quick information Riverside County property values are back to where they were in 2004 and the city paid$4.1 for it.

Anonymous said...

According to The Californian the city is going to buy property the previous owners did not think was worth paying their property taxes on. If you have nothing to do tonight you can watch the Donald Chump show.

Anonymous said...

The ignorance that has plagued local governments in the Elsinore Valley for so many years now makes more sense it's the drugs in the water.

Anonymous said...

FLASH ---- it has been noted that the lastest in the EVMWD LEAPS PROJECT has now named the power lines that are going in....Williams & Wicke LEAPS POWER LINES. They are the ones pushing the project .... they even went with Young and the Legal Begals Best Best & KRieger when they went to talk to CPUC. Come how much are you two going to get out of this deal?????

Oh yes, Horsethief remember what we are telling you Phil Williams is a liar and unethical and when he tells you the lines are underground that's a joke - he just wants you to vote for him....he is now going around soliciting endorsements for his campaign......KICKEM OUT OF OFFICE.

Anonymous said...

The latest news in the valley is
there are going to open up a death trap and close down a school.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Brown will be telling the CPUC the truth, or he will be reported to the Bar Association again, he is not above the law. Look at Spitzer the fool. He had a set of rules for himself and another set for everyone else. Mr. Brown will not mislead the uneducated Wicke And Williams whom he has made a fortune off of and deceived for years anymore. He will be telling the truth. Spitzer a very selfish man created his own set of rules. Problem with Spitzer is he cared more about controlling everthing and everyone around him and making himself look like a white night in shining armour that would clean up corruption on Wall street. He cared more about the above than he did about truly doing good. A true sociopath selfish narsassistic, rationalizing away his bad deeds seeing himself as a hero when in fact he was a jealous , hateful vindictive unmerciful man. A pathological need to control everyone and everything because you are superior to everyone else is delusional and you will fall just as Spitzer did who needs serious mental help. You may think you look to god but be careful because actions have consequences. When your living for yourself and pretending to help everyone elese I imagine in gods eyes it is very sad. Did Spitzer think about his family before having sex with 22 year old kids. No ofcourse not he's good to those that can do something for him help him to look like a shining star with that type of thinking a family is simply a bother and a waste of time. Yep those god says to honor and cherish wife and kids are simply a bother to a man like Spitzer. What a waste of a smart man with great potential. Why would his wife stand by his side, simple she knows he's sick and she loves him. Now she has hope as he hits rock bottom he will as he stated get help, but the only person that can truly help and heal an evil heart is god and thats only if you want him to. EVMWD with John Brown have made up their own rules which have cost the tax payers 5 million dollars for a greedy scheme that will benefit themselves. Tax payers have nothing to show for this 5 mill. The plan has always been to get the go ahead for leaps knowing the hydro plant would never be built for a variety of reasons mainly no one will invest in it because it is a loser of millions. God watches as they lie, cheat and attempt to deceive agency after agency. He watches as they spend tax payers money on expensive trips he sees them dine and party at our expense. Their not smarter than god so be patient they too in their greed lying and phony attempt to look like they are doing something to help the community will fall. God knows power lines cause devastating fires and radiation which causes leukemia in children. He knows we are due for a major earthquake and he knows the dam will flood and kill those beneath it. Men willing to do wrong and risk hurting others are truly fools. Dont tempt god his ways are not our ways.

Anonymous said...

The people in Horsethief and the people in parts of Lake Elsinore in PHIL WILLIAMS Williams/Wicke Power Lines Project LEAPS better get someone to run against Williams they will be sorry when those run behind their homes ----NO they will not be underground - Phil Williams is a notorized liar has long as many of us have been aware. SO GET OUT THERE AND GET SOMEONE OR YOURSELF TO RUN FOR OFFICE NOW HE IS OUT GETTING ENDORSEMENTS BECAUSE HE IS A CROOK AND THERE ARE COURT DOCUMENTS THAT WILL PROVE THAT. So get to work people NOW.

Anonymous said...

On Allan St. the people have put up no annexation signs in their front yards. This is because the city and their $4 million "friend"
have tried to force them to annex
by flooding them out for 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Is that part of the Third Street
annexation mentioned on the city website?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you really want to help someone do whats best for the city win their trust and give them reminders and information behind closed doors, and if done so publicly do it in such a way that shows you truly care more about helping than looking like your smarter than evceryone else, until this is practiced on a regular basis you will do more harm than good, until then just keep your big mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

2 years of being FLOODED is a long time of KISSING ASS!

Anonymous said...

It's time for the city to do what is right and drop their annexation plans for Allen St. they've held them hostage long enough.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time the city got a engineer that can get it right in the first place so county doesn't have to fix it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is anybody home?

Anonymous said...

No, Is AnyBody There?

Anonymous said...

It's a revolution dammit./ You are going to HAVE to OFFEND SOMEONE.

Anonymous said...

So now John LLoyd is a hero. Funny how things change. Must be tough when you arent able to judge character or have a moral compass. This blog has outlasted its usefulness

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